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Invalid Rootsector Signature: %02X %02XMore than one bootable PartitionInvalid bootable-flag: partition %u: %02XhInvalid Start Sector: partition %u: %uInvalid End Sector: partition %u: %uInvalid Start Head: partition %u: %uInvalid End Head: partition %u: %uPartition Table Corrupt - start: partition %uPartition Table Corrupt - end: partition %uInvalid Partition entry: partition %uPartition does not end on Cylinder boundary: partition %uPartition does not begin on Cylinder boundary: partition %uOverlapping Partitions: %u and %uFree Space between Partitions: %u and %uOK Checking Bootsector ... Invalid Jump Instruction in Bootsector: %02X %02X %02XInvalid Jump Instruction in Bootsector: %02X %02X %02XInvalid Bootsector: %02X %02XCan't handle number of Bytes per Sector: %uNumber of Sectors per Cluster must be a power of 2: actually it is %uNumber of reserved sectors should be 1: actually it is %uPartition must have 2 FATs: actually it is %uNumber of Rootdir entries must be multiple of 16: actually it is %uNumber of Rootdir entries must not be zeroWrong Media Descriptor Byte in Bootsector: %02XFAT too large: %u sectorsFAT too small: %u sectors (should be %u)Sectors per track incorrect: %u instead of %uNumber of drive heads incorrect: %u instead of %uNumber of hidden sectors incorrect: %lu instead of %lu12-bit FAT not supported: number of clusters is %uNumber of sectors (short) must be zeroNumber of sectors (short) does not match Partition Info: %u instead of %luWrong System Indicator Byte: %u instead of 4Number of Sectors (long) does not match Partition Info: %lu instead of %luWrong Signature: %02XhDrive number in bootsector does not match actual drivenumber: %02Xh instead of %02XhWrong System Indicator Byte: %u instead of 6OK FIPS {[-t][-d][-h|-?][-d][-p][-c][-o]}: -t : test mode (no writes to disk) -d : debug mode -h/-? : this help page -d : select drive -p : select partition -c : new start cylinder = -o : override error message where is mb - more than one bootable partition bf - invalid bootable-flag lf - FAT too large sf - FAT too small md - wrong media descriptor byte re - rootdir entries not multiple of 16 Invalid Commandline Parameter: %sttestddebughhelp?ombobforeolfosfomdInvalid Argument: %sInvalid Drive number: %dInvalid Argument: %sInvalid Partition number: %dInvalid Argument: %sInvalid Commandline Parameter: %s=Error reading FAT 1Error reading FAT 2Checking FAT ... FAT copies differ: FAT 1 -> %02Xh, FAT 2 -> %02Xh in sector %u, byte %uWrong Media Descriptor Byte in FAT: %02XhWrong FAT entries 1 & 2: %02X %02X %02X %02XOK First Cluster: %lu Last Cluster: %lu Testing if empty ... New Partition not empty: cluster %lu ( FAT entry: )New Partition not empty: cluster %lu ( FAT entry: %lu )OK Searching for free space ... OK HBytes per sector: %u Sectors per cluster: %u Reserved sectors: %u Number of FATs: %u Number of rootdirectory entries: %u Number of sectors (short): %u Media descriptor byte: %02Xh Sectors per FAT: %u Sectors per track: %u Drive heads: %u Hidden sectors: %lu Number of sectors (long): %lu Physical drive number: %02Xh Signature: %02Xh | | Start | | End | Start |Number of| Part.|bootable|Head Cyl. Sector|System|Head Cyl. Sector| Sector |Sectors | MB -----+--------+----------------+------+----------------+--------+---------+---- %u | %s |%4u %4u %4u| %02Xh|%4u %4u %4u|%8lu| %8lu|%4lu yes no Registers after call to int 13h 08h (drive %02Xh): Registers after call to int 13h 00h (drive %02Xh): Calculated Partition Characteristica: Start of FAT 1: %lu Start of FAT 2: %lu Start of Rootdirectory: %lu Start of Data: %lu Number of Clusters: %lu Bye! fipsinfo.dbgwtCan't open debugfileFIPS Debug File The command was: %s %s Transcript of session: FIPS version 1.1, Copyright (C) 1993/94 Arno Schaefer DO NOT use FIPS in a multitasking environment like Windows, OS/2, Desqview, Novell Task manager or the Linux DOS emulator: boot from a DOS boot disk first. If you use OS/2 or a disk compressor, read the relevant sections in FIPS.DOC. FIPS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, see file COPYING for details This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; again see file COPYING for details. Press any Key %02X - errors.txtrtFile ERRORS.TXT not found - no verbose messages available File ERRORS.TXT not found - no verbose messages available %s%s Error: Error: Warning: Warning: Press any key Press any key Press any Key Too many drives foundNo Compatible Harddisk foundWhich Drive (%u=0x%02X/)? %c No valid partition foundNo free partition Which Partition do you want to split (%u/)? %c Enter start cylinder for new partition (%u - %u): Use the cursor keys to choose the cylinder, to continue Old partition Cylinder New Partition E %6.1f MB %4u %6.1f MB %6.1f MB %4u %6.1f MB Ready to write new partition scheme to disk Do you want to proceed (y/n)? %c Do you want to continue or reedit the partition table (c/r)? %c Do you want to make a backup copy of your root- and bootsector before proceeding (y/n)? %c Do you have a bootable floppy disk in drive A: as described in the documentation (y/n)? %c Please read the file FIPS.DOC! Do you want to proceed (y/n)? %c WARNING: FIPS has detected that it is running under %s FIPS should not be used under a multitasking OS. If possible, boot from a DOS disk and then run FIPS. Read FIPS.DOC for more information. Error reading Drive Geometry: Errorcode %uDrive Initialization Failure: Errorcode %uError reading Root Sector Root Sector Drive %02Xh: Partition Table: Can't split extended PartitionsInvalid Partition selected: %uUnknown Filesystem: %02XhError reading Boot Sector Boot Sector Drive %02Xh, Partition %u: Bootsector: Partition too small - can't splitLast Cylinder is not freeInvalid new start cylinder: %lu New Partition Table: New Bootsector: Error writing Root SectorError writing Boot SectorRepartitioning complete c;r;;;c;r;HH=;11;;;; :8a:\rootboot.000Too many save files on diskwbCan't open file: %sError writing file: %sError writing file: %sError writing file: %sError writing file: %sError closing file: %s0BIR^gqDomainDenormalDivide by 0OverflowUnderflowPartial loss of precisionStack faultFloating point error: %s. ? ABzD@FPG$tIK L7yACp+ŝi@զIx@GA~QCǑF uuvHM]=];Z R`%u !!!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ DDD Z jzCB```@),(((((),(((),#,*((((**#(#%(TMP.$$$Pure virtual function calledPure virtual function called(null)       COMPAQprint scanf : floating point formats not linked c?RRRR %M=IQY[ %?