This file contains the particularities for the Archimedes version of Vim. ============================================================================ The Archimedes version has not been tested. It probably doesn't work at the moment, because only patches for Vim version 2.0 were available. ============================================================================ vim.hlp needs to be saved as Lib:vimhlp (you should set Lib$Path to be a path to the directory you want to save this. Your system vimrc file should be named vimrc in this directory too.) Another path to set is Tmp$Path This should be the directory you want vim to use when it does pipes. UnixLib's translations means that local .vimrc files should really be named /vimrc. Of course vim does these translations, so vim .vimrc will create the file /vimrc. You need a termcap file - I haven't built this in. To install the termcap file, you need to assign a variable, UnixLib$/etc to your "/etc" directory and copy the file "arctermcap" as "/etc/termcap" You also need your TERM variable to be set to acorn0 before you use vim. Note also that I've set the "cl" command, clear screen to clear to green screen. You can change this if you want. Errorfile handling may not work properly. This is not vim's fault, but UnixLib's system() and exec() handling. It may be OK for Acorn's cc, but gcc uses exec() and loses redirections, so gcc -c fred.c 2> errorfile doesn't generate a valid errorfile. Problem is that this is a biggy within UnixLib to fix, I think. When you call a shell up with :sh and ^Z, you'll get a GOS shell by default. This means that running another application will exit GOS and throw you back into vim. I'm working on a bash-like shell for the Arc which will get round this. If I've missed anything, please drop me a line and I'll try to fix it. Alun Jones,