Begin3 Title: Packet to keep the HD spun down when idle Version: 950506 Entered-date: Sat May 6 02:15 MET DST 1995 Description: Mainly a kernel patch to the ext2 filesystem, which keeps it from writing atime timestamps. Accompnied by a script to put /dev/* into ramdisk during bootup. Doing these two things can greatly increase the periods during which a harddisk is spun down due to being idle. Keywords: hard disk, idle, ext2fs, hdparm Author: (Bernd Meyer) Maintained-by: (Bernd Meyer) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/Incoming (to be moved) 2324 noatime.tgz Original-site: (uucp site, not on The Net) Platform: ix86 Linux Copying-policy: GPL End