ELFt4( WVS|$f_fvWPd[^_Ðfu =u[^_Ð1[^_Évj VuWVtЀfvָ[^_ÐUWVSl$t$f AC3200 ethercard configuration register is %#02x, EISA ID %02x %02x %02x %02x. ac3200.c: Passed a NULL device. AC3200 in EISA slot %d, node %02x, unable to allocate memory for dev->priv. , using, assigningac3200 nothing! Unable to get IRQ %d. IRQ %d, %s port %s: AC3200 at %#3x with %dkB memory at physical address %#lx. <2>ac3200.c: Card RAM overlaps with normal memory!!! <2>ac3200.c: Use EISA SCU to set card memory below 1MB, <2>ac3200.c: or to an address above 0x%lx. <2>ac3200.c: Driver NOT installed. <3>ac3200.c: Unable to remap card memory above 1MB !! <3>ac3200.c: Try using EISA SCU to set memory below 1MB. <3>ac3200.c: Driver NOT installed. ac3200.c: remapped %dkB card memory to virtual address %#lx AC3200resetting AC3200, t=%ld...reset done %s: Shutting down ethercard. <4>ac3200.c: No ac3200 card found (i/o = 0x%x). kernel_version=2.1.125parm_io=1-4iparm_irq=1-4iparm_mem=1-4iGCC: (GNU)!  + 1 ( ; @ F N@W`|`  ) !/ 7,AK8(Y|h@>x`(< \  $06EQZdpx $2Dhac3200.cgcc2_compiled.versionconfig2irqmapaddrmapport_nameac_probe1ac_reset_8390ac_block_inputac_block_outputac_get_8390_hdrac_openac_close_cardnamelistdev_ac32ioirqmem__module_kernel_versionac3200_probeEISA_buscheck_regionprintkinit_etherdevethdev_initei_interruptrequest_irqkfreerequest_regionhigh_memoryfree_irq__ioremapNS8390_initei_open__this_moduleeth_copy_and_sumei_close__module_parm_io__module_parm_irq__module_parm_meminit_moduleregister_netdevcleanup_modulerelease_regioniounmapunregister_netdev+S;@gl{ !" #3;@EM$lz%%&# '!&+05>&F#qv (!)'*-*0+,**1Wg&q345#,048