Begin3 Title: man, man2html, hman Version: 1.5a Entered-date: 1998-01-20 Description: * man is a man pager. It has support for compressed pages (both man pages and cat pages), and for locale ($LANG) and for message catalogs ($LC_MESSAGES). It will format files given explicitly (man ./ It conforms to FSSTND or FHS, and handles stray cats. Man pages now available in Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovenian and Spanish. * man2html is a utility that converts man pages to html * hman is a man browser that uses your favourite browser (lynx, xmosaic, arena, netscape). For lynx use, no http daemon is required. Keywords: man manpath apropos whatis makewhatis man.config man2html hman manual pager browser keyword search Authors: John Eaton, Richard Verhoeven, Michael Hamilton, Andries Brouwer Maintained-by: (Andries E. Brouwer) Primary-site: /pub/linux/util 156365 man-1.5a.tar.gz 1150 man-1.5a.lsm Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/system/manual-browsers Copying-policy: Copyright by authors. Distributable under GPL. End