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not INUSE! %d 2.2.0! +4 -d / %`, #2$FW6etHZӾl~3"V,Gu>dɜ@ۿRdv!0&gv4DUJüXџn|ك1 w.fT@R+:dN_vm|$ÿ6H ;Z*^lO}~l .ǟ䩐 2ZLKy^hh ?z.ĕ*8FkzTHYb-PPP: version %s (dynamic channel allocation) <6>PPP Dynamic channel allocation code copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc. <6>PPP line discipline registered. <3>error registering line discipline: %d ppp_crc16_tableppp_unregister_compressorppp_register_compressor<6>ppp: channel %s mtu = %d, mru = %d <3>ppp: failed to allocate new buffers <4>ppp: trying to close unopened tty! <6>ppp: channel %s closing. unknown<3>ppp_tty_open: gack! tty already associated to %s! <4>ppp_tty_open: couldn't allocate ppp channel <3>ppp_tty_open: no space for compression buffers! <3>ppp_tty_open: no space for user receive buffer <6>ppp: channel %s open <7>PPP: handler called but couldn't find PPP struct. receive buffer<3>ppp_do_ip: packet dropped on %s (no memory)! <5>ppp: error in VJ decompression <5>ppp: error in VJ memorizing <7>ppp_us_queue: can't get lock <6>ppp: successfully queued %d bytes, flags = %x <6>ppp_us_queue: ran out of buffer space. <4>ppp: dropping packet on the floor. receive frame<4>ppp_toss: tossing frame, reason = %d <4>ppp: got runt ppp frame, %d chars <4>ppp: frame with bad fcs, excess = %x <3>ppp_doframe: no memory <3>ppp_proto_comp: decompress err %d <7>ppp_tty_read: called buf=%p nr=%u <7>ppp_tty_read: sleeping(ubuf) <7>ppp_tty_read: no data (EAGAIN) <7>ppp_tty_read: sleeping(read_wait) <7>ppp_tty_read: len = %d <7>ppp: read of %u bytes too small for %d frame <7>ppp_tty_read: passing %d bytes up <7>ppp_stuff_char: %x %d <7>ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is %hx ppp flush<7>ppp_dev_xmit: writing %d chars write frame<3>ppp_dev_xmit_frame: no memory <4>ppp_tty_write: truncating user packet from %u to mtu %d <3>ppp_tty_write: no memory <7>ppp_tty_write: sleeping ppp%ld: comp_alloc failed ppp%ld: decomp_alloc failed <7>ppp%ld: no compressor for [%x %x %x], %x <6>ppp_tty_ioctl: set mru to %x <7>ppp_tty_ioctl: get flags: addr %lx flags %x <6>ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to %x <6>ppp_tty_ioctl: get asyncmap: addr %lx asyncmap %x <6>ppp_tty_ioctl: set xmit asyncmap %x <6>ppp_tty_ioctl: set rcv asyncmap %x <6>ppp_tty_ioctl: get unit: %ld<6>ppp_tty_ioctl: get debug level %d <6>ppp_tty_ioctl: read demand dial info <6>ppp_tty_ioctl: get xasyncmap: addr %lx <6>ppp_tty_ioctl: set xasyncmap <6>ppp_tty_ioctl: set maxcid to %d <3>ppp: no space for compression buffers! <3>ppp_tty_ioctl: invalid ioctl: %x, addr %lx <3>ppp: %s not connected to a TTY! can't go open! <6>ppp: channel %s going up for IP packets! <3>ppp: %s not connected to a TTY! can't go down! <6>ppp: channel %s going down for IP packets! <3>ppp_dev_xmit: %s not connected to a TTY! <4>ppp_dev_xmit: packet sent on interface %s, which is down for IP <4>ppp_dev_xmit: npmode = NPMODE_ERROR on %s <4>ppp_dev_xmit: npmode = NPMODE_DROP on %s <4>ppp_dev_xmit: unknown npmode %d on %s ppp outpkt<4>ppp_dev_xmit: packet sent on interface %s, which is down <4>ppp_dev_xmit: null packet! <7>ppp_dev_xmit [%s]: skb %p ppp_dev_xmit: data=NULL before ppp_dev_xmit_ip. <6>ppp_dev_stats called ppp%d<6>registered device %s <3>ppp_alloc - register_netdev(%s) = %d failure. <7>ppp: %s, count = %d <7>%s <6>PPP: ppp_init() failure %d <6>PPP: device busy, remove delayed <6>PPP: Unable to unregister ppp line discipline (err = %d) <6>PPP: ppp line discipline successfully unregistered GCC: (GNU)! 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