Begin3 Title: trimman Version: 1.06 Entered-date: 03APR99 Description: Trims the fat from your man-pages. Looks for redundant versions of the same man-pages, such as gzipped and plain versions of the same files, and keeps only the most recent version. Then compresses every page with gzip, converting .Z compressed pages if necessary. Then reconstructs all symlinks. Finally, it cleans up the file modes, making every page owned by root, executable by no one, writeable by root only, and readable by all. This version converts bz2 pages from previous trimman to gzip. Keywords: man man-pages compressed gzip Author: Brian K. White Maintained-by: Brian K. White Primary-site: 6kB trimman-1.06.tar.bz2 Platform: Bash (written/tested on linux only) other unices may try ksh. Copying-policy: GPL End