#!/bin/sh #item ####description ###on off ### TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTnewtag dialog --backtitle "Slackware installer: package selection" --title "SELECTING PACKAGES FROM SERIES N (NETWORK/NEWS/MAIL/UUCP)" \ --checklist "Please select the packages you wish to install from this series. \ Use the UP/DOWN keys to scroll through the \ list, and the SPACE key to select the packages you wish to \ install. Recommended packages have already been selected for \ you, but you may unselect them if you wish. \ \ Press ENTER when you are done." \ 21 72 11 \ "ModemManager" "mobile broadband modem D-bus API" "on" \ "NetworkManager" "Networking configuration daemon" "on" \ "alpine" "Alpine menu-driven mail program" "on" \ "autofs" "Linux automounter" "on" \ "biff+comsat" "Announces email delivery" "on" \ "bind" "Berkeley Internet Name Domain server" "on" \ "bluez" "Bluetooth userspace (libs/utils) support" "on" \ "bluez-firmware" "Firmware for Bluetooth(TM) devices" "on" \ "bootp" "Internet Bootstrap Protocol server" "on" \ "bridge-utils" "Tools for setting up Ethernet bridges" "on" \ "bsd-finger" "BSD finger daemon and client" "on" \ "ca-certificates" "PEM certificates to verify SSL connections" "on" \ "cifs-utils" "CIFS filesystem utilities" "on" \ "conntrack-tools" "Connection Tracking System tools" "on" \ "crda" "Central Regulatory Domain Agent" "on" \ "curl" "Command-line URL transfer utility" "on" \ "cyrus-sasl" "SASL email authentication library" "on" \ "dhcp" "DHCP server (and client) utilities" "on" \ "dhcpcd" "DHCP client daemon" "on" \ "dirmngr" "Certificate Revocation Lists Manager for GPG" "on" \ "dnsmasq" "Small DNS/DHCP server for a LAN" "on" \ "ebtables" "Bridge filtering utility" "on" \ "elm" "Menu-driven user mail program" "on" \ "epic5" "EPIC Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client" "on" \ "ethtool" "A tool for configuring Ethernet devices" "on" \ "fetchmail" "Fetch mail from POP/IMAP/ETRN servers" "on" \ "getmail" "POP3 mail retrieval tool" "on" \ "gnupg" "GNU Privacy Guard public key encryption" "on" \ "gnupg2" "GNU Privacy Guard version 2.x" "on" \ "gnutls" "GNU TLS/SSL (secure communications) library" "on" \ "gpa" "GNU Privacy Assistant" "on" \ "gpgme" "GnuPG Made Easy library" "on" \ "htdig" "Indexing and search engine" "on" \ "httpd" "Apache WWW (HTTP) server" "on" \ "icmpinfo" "Dump or log ICMP packets" "on" \ "idnkit" "internationalized domain names toolkit" "on" \ "iftop" "Display bandwidth usage on an interface" "on" \ "imapd" "ipop3d/imapd remote mail access daemons" "on" \ "inetd" "Internet super server daemon" "on" \ "iproute2" "Kernel routing and traffic control" "on" \ "ipset" "Kernel IP sets admin tool" "on" \ "iptables" "Firewall configuration utility" "on" \ "iptraf-ng" "Network monitoring program" "on" \ "iputils" "Some common network tools" "on" \ "ipw2100-fw" "Firmware for Intel ipw2100 wireless." "on" \ "ipw2200-fw" "Firmware for Intel ipw2200 wireless." "on" \ "irssi" "IRSSI Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client" "on" \ "iw" "Utility for mac80211 based wireless devices" "on" \ "lftp" "Shell-like FTP and HTTP transfer program" "on" \ "libassuan" "Interprocess Communication Library for GPG" "on" \ "libgcrypt" "General purpose crypto library" "on" \ "libgpg-error" "GnuPG Error Definitions Library" "on" \ "libksba" "X.509 & CMS library for S/MIME and TLS" "on" \ "libmbim" "Mobile Broadband Interface Model library" "on" \ "libmnl" "Netlink user-space library" "on" \ "libndp" "Library for Neighbor Discovery Protocol" "on" \ "libnetfilter_acct" "Netfilter accounting library" "on" \ "libnetfilter_conntrack" "Netfilter conntrack library" "on" \ "libnetfilter_cthelper" "Netfilter conntrack helpers library" "on" \ "libnetfilter_cttimeout" "Netfilter connection tracking timeout library" "on" \ "libnetfilter_log" "Netfilter packet logging library" "on" \ "libnetfilter_queue" "Netfilter packet queueing library" "on" \ "libnfnetlink" "Netfilter kernel/userspace comm library" "on" \ "libnftnl" "interface to the kernel nf_tables subsystem" "on" \ "libqmi" "QMI library and utils" "on" \ "libtirpc" "Transport-Independent RPC library" "on" \ "links" "Text-based WWW browser (with frames)" "on" \ "lynx" "Classic text-based WWW browser" "on" \ "mailx" "A simple user mail program" "on" \ "mcabber" "Jabber messaging client for the console" "on" \ "metamail" "Metamail multimedia mail extensions" "on" \ "mobile-broadband-provider-info" "mobile broadband provider settings" "on" \ "mtr" "Network diagnosic tool" "on" \ "mutt" "The Mutt E-Mail Client" "on" \ "nc" "Netcat network utility" "on" \ "ncftp" "NcFTP file transfer utilities" "on" \ "net-snmp" "Simple Network Management Protocol tools" "on" \ "net-tools" "Utilities required for networking on Linux" "on" \ "netatalk" "Print/file server for Apple Macs" "on" \ "netdate" "A simple network time utility" "on" \ "netkit-bootparamd" "A diskless client server used with Suns" "on" \ "netkit-ftp" "The BSD FTP client" "on" \ "netkit-ntalk" "BSD talk daemon/client" "on" \ "netkit-routed" "An (old) BSD dynamic routing daemon" "on" \ "netkit-rsh" "BSD rsh suite. Most people use ssh instead." "on" \ "netkit-rusers" "BSD utility to see who is logged in on a net" "on" \ "netkit-rwall" "Write to every user on a system" "on" \ "netkit-rwho" "See information about users on the local net" "on" \ "netkit-timed" "BSD time server daemon" "on" \ "netpipes" "Network pipe utilities" "on" \ "nettle" "Cryptographic library" "on" \ "netwatch" "Another network monitoring program" "on" \ "network-scripts" "Scripts required for networking on Slackware" "on" \ "netwrite" "Write to users on a remote machine" "on" \ "newspost" "Posts multipart binaries on USENET" "on" \ "nfacct" "Tool to manage accounting objects" "on" \ "nfs-utils" "Network File System daemons" "on" \ "nftables" "Packet filtering and classification" "on" \ "nmap" "Network scanning utility" "on" \ "nn" "The NN news reader" "on" \ "ntp" "Network Time Protocol" "on" \ "obexftp" "Object Exchange FTP client/server" "on" \ "openldap-client" "LDAP authentication libraries" "on" \ "openobex" "Object Exchange protocol library" "on" \ "openssh" "OpenSSH Secure Shell" "on" \ "openssl" "OpenSSL Secure Sockets Layer toolkit" "on" \ "openvpn" "Secure IP VPN tunnel daemon" "on" \ "p11-kit" "PKCS 11 public key toolkit" "on" \ "php" "PHP scripting language for Apache" "on" \ "pidentd" "TCP/IP IDENT protocol server" "on" \ "pinentry" "PIN Entry dialogs" "on" \ "popa3d" "Post Office Protocol v. 3 (POP3) server" "on" \ "ppp" "Point-to-point protocol" "on" \ "procmail" "Mail delivery/filtering utility" "on" \ "proftpd" "The Professional FTP (file transfer) daemon" "on" \ "pssh" "Parallel versions of the openssh tools" "on" \ "pth" "GNU Portable Threads" "on" \ "rdist" "Remote file distribution utility" "on" \ "rfkill" "tool to query wireless interfaces" "on" \ "rp-pppoe" "Connect to ADSL ISPs that use PPPoE" "on" \ "rpcbind" "Manages NFS and other RPC connections" "on" \ "rsync" "Enhanced replacement for rcp" "on" \ "samba" "SMB print/file server for Windows LANs" "on" \ "sendmail" "The sendmail mail transport agent" "on" \ "sendmail-cf" "Extra configuration files for sendmail" "on" \ "slrn" "slrn (s-lang read news) news reader" "on" \ "snownews" "Console RSS reader" "on" \ "stunnel" "Universal SSL tunnel" "on" \ "tcp_wrappers" "A daemon and wrapper to increase security" "on" \ "tcpdump" "Tool for dumping network packets" "on" \ "telnet" "The telnet client and telnetd daemon" "on" \ "tftp-hpa" "A TFTP implementation" "on" \ "tin" "The 'tin' news reader" "on" \ "traceroute" "Packet tracing utility" "on" \ "trn" "A threaded news reader" "on" \ "ulogd" "Logging daemon for netfilter/iptables" "on" \ "uucp" "Taylor UUCP with HDB && Taylor configs" "on" \ "vlan" "Virtual LAN configuration tool" "on" \ "vsftpd" "The Very Secure FTP (file transfer) daemon" "on" \ "wget" "WWW/FTP retrieval tool" "on" \ "whois" "Enhanced whois client" "on" \ "wireless-tools" "Tools for wireless networking" "on" \ "wpa_supplicant" "WPA/WPA2/IEEE 802.1X (wireless) Supplicant" "on" \ "yptools" "NIS servers and clients" "on" \ "ytalk" "Multi-user talk program" "on" \ "zd1211-firmware" "Firmware for zd1211 USB wireless" "on" \ 2> $TMP/SeTpkgs # If the user pressed cancel, or something bad happened then we # mark all packages as skipped and bail out. if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then # Not in Slackware, but a nice addition for Slackware ARM whilst # we're processing the package selection: dialog \ --backtitle "Slackware installer: package selection" \ --infobox "Marking all packages as skipped" 3 35 rm -f $TMP/SeTpkgs # Empty, but not delete this file: > $TMP/SeTnewtag for PKG in \ ModemManager NetworkManager alpine autofs biff+comsat bind bluez bluez-firmware bootp bridge-utils bsd-finger ca-certificates cifs-utils conntrack-tools crda curl cyrus-sasl dhcp dhcpcd dirmngr dnsmasq ebtables elm epic5 ethtool fetchmail getmail gnupg gnupg2 gnutls gpa gpgme htdig httpd icmpinfo idnkit iftop imapd inetd iproute2 ipset iptables iptraf-ng iputils ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw irssi iw lftp libassuan libgcrypt libgpg-error libksba libmbim libmnl libndp libnetfilter_acct libnetfilter_conntrack libnetfilter_cthelper libnetfilter_cttimeout libnetfilter_log libnetfilter_queue libnfnetlink libnftnl libqmi libtirpc links lynx mailx mcabber metamail mobile-broadband-provider-info mtr mutt nc ncftp net-snmp net-tools netatalk netdate netkit-bootparamd netkit-ftp netkit-ntalk netkit-routed netkit-rsh netkit-rusers netkit-rwall netkit-rwho netkit-timed netpipes nettle netwatch network-scripts netwrite newspost nfacct nfs-utils nftables nmap nn ntp obexftp openldap-client openobex openssh openssl openvpn p11-kit php pidentd pinentry popa3d ppp procmail proftpd pssh pth rdist rfkill rp-pppoe rpcbind rsync samba sendmail sendmail-cf slrn snownews stunnel tcp_wrappers tcpdump telnet tftp-hpa tin traceroute trn ulogd uucp vlan vsftpd wget whois wireless-tools wpa_supplicant yptools ytalk zd1211-firmware \ ; do echo "$PKG: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag done exit fi dialog \ --backtitle "Slackware installer: package selection" \ --infobox "Processing package selection" 3 33 cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTnewtag for PACKAGE in \ ModemManager NetworkManager alpine autofs biff+comsat bind bluez bluez-firmware bootp bridge-utils bsd-finger ca-certificates cifs-utils conntrack-tools crda curl cyrus-sasl dhcp dhcpcd dirmngr dnsmasq ebtables elm epic5 ethtool fetchmail getmail gnupg gnupg2 gnutls gpa gpgme htdig httpd icmpinfo idnkit iftop imapd inetd iproute2 ipset iptables iptraf-ng iputils ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw irssi iw lftp libassuan libgcrypt libgpg-error libksba libmbim libmnl libndp libnetfilter_acct libnetfilter_conntrack libnetfilter_cthelper libnetfilter_cttimeout libnetfilter_log libnetfilter_queue libnfnetlink libnftnl libqmi libtirpc links lynx mailx mcabber metamail mobile-broadband-provider-info mtr mutt nc ncftp net-snmp net-tools netatalk netdate netkit-bootparamd netkit-ftp netkit-ntalk netkit-routed netkit-rsh netkit-rusers netkit-rwall netkit-rwho netkit-timed netpipes nettle netwatch network-scripts netwrite newspost nfacct nfs-utils nftables nmap nn ntp obexftp openldap-client openobex openssh openssl openvpn p11-kit php pidentd pinentry popa3d ppp procmail proftpd pssh pth rdist rfkill rp-pppoe rpcbind rsync samba sendmail sendmail-cf slrn snownews stunnel tcp_wrappers tcpdump telnet tftp-hpa tin traceroute trn ulogd uucp vlan vsftpd wget whois wireless-tools wpa_supplicant yptools ytalk zd1211-firmware \ ; do if grep "\(^\| \)$PACKAGE\( \|$\)" $TMP/SeTpkgs > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag else echo "$PACKAGE: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag fi done rm -f $TMP/SeTpkgs