#!/bin/bash ulimit -s unlimited shopt -s extglob # pkgtools.SlackBuild # by Stuart Winter for the Slackware porting Project. # Heavily based on the original Slackware build script. # 06-Jun-2004 # Record toolchain & other info for the build log: slackbuildinfo # Paths to skeleton port's source & real Slackware source tree: slackset_var_cwds # Temporary build locations: export TMPBUILD=$TMP/build-$PKGNAM export PKG=$TMP/package-$PKGNAM mkpkgdirs # Delete & re-create temporary directories then cd into $TMPBUILD ######## Slackware pkgtools ############################################# # Install Slackware script manpages: ( cd $CWD/manpages mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man8 for page in explodepkg.8 installpkg.8 makepkg.8 upgradepkg.8 pkgtool.8 pkgdiff.8 \ removepkg.8 ; do cat $page | gzip -9c > $PKG/usr/man/man8/$page.gz done ) # Install internationalized manpages from # http://slint.fr/forSlackware/man_l10n/pkgtools/ ( cd $PKG/usr/man tar xvvf $CWD/manpages-l10n.tar.!(*sign|*asc|*sig) for page in manpages-l10n/* ; do manpage=$(basename $page) mkdir -vpm755 ${manpage%%.*}/man8 mv -fv $page ${manpage%%.*}/man8/${page#*.}.8 done rmdir manpages-l10n ) # Install Slackware scripts: ( cd $CWD/scripts mkdir -p $PKG/sbin # Don't include makebootdisk... it's useless since a kernel won't fit on a # floppy disk, and nobody uses floppies any more anyway. for file in explodepkg installpkg makepkg pkgtool removepkg upgradepkg pkgdiff ; do install -oroot -groot -pm755 $CWD/scripts/$file $PKG/sbin done # These scripts are used during the installation: mkdir -pm700 $PKG/var/lib/pkgtools/setup/tmp for file in setup.* ; do install -pm755 -oroot -groot $file $PKG/var/lib/pkgtools/setup/ done # Add a link for makebootstick -- don't because we don't ship it with ARM. # ( cd $PKG/sbin ; ln -sf ../var/lib/pkgtools/setup/setup.80.make-bootdisk makebootstick ) ) # Create the base directories (not really necessary, but doesn't hurt): mkdir -p $PKG/var/lib/pkgtools/{packages,scripts,douninst.sh} mkdir -p $PKG/var/log/pkgtools/{removed_packages,removed_scripts} ######################################################################## # This is x86 stuff: rm -fv $PKG/sbin/makebootdisk rm -fv $PKG/var/lib/pkgtools/setup/*.make-bootdisk rm -fv $PKG/var/lib/pkgtools/setup/*.install-kernel # Apply generic Slackware packaging policies: cd $PKG slackstripall # strip all .a archives and all ELFs slack_delete_lafiles # delete usr/lib{,64}/*.la slackgzpages -i # compress man & info pages and delete usr/info/dir slackslack # chown -R root:root, chmod -R og-w, slackchown, slack644docs slackdesc # install slack-desc and doinst.sh slackmp # run makepkg -l y -c n # Perform any final checks on the package: cd $PKG slackhlinks # search for any hard links