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Options: "%s" Checksum error usage: %s [ -C config_file ] [ -q ] [ -m map_file ] [ -v ... ] %7s%s [ -C config_file ] [ -b boot_device ] [ -c ] [ -l ] %12s[ -i boot_sector ] [ -f disk_tab ] [ -m map_file ] [ -d delay ] %12s[ -v ... ] [ -t ] [ -s save_file | -S save_file ] %12s[ -P fix | -P ignore ] [ -r root_dir ] [ -w ] %7s%s [ -C config_file ] [ -m map_file ] [ -R [ word ... ] ] %7s%s [ -C config_file ] -I name [ options ] %7s%s [ -C config_file ] [ -s save_file ] -u | -U [ boot_device ] %7s%s -V /etc/lilo.confcompactdelaydefaultdisktablinearmapinstall-DIMAGES=%d -DCODE_START_1=%d -DCODE_START_2=%d -DDESCR_SIZE=%d -DDSC_OFF=%d -DDSC_OFF2=%d -DDFCMD_OFF=%d -DMSG_OFF=%d -DFLAGS_OFF=%d force-backupbackupfixfix-tableignoreignore-table nowarnROOTchroot %s: %s/chdir /: %satexit() failedLILO version 0.16%s, Copyright 1992-1995 Werner Almesberger fstat %s: %s Warning: %s should be owned by root Warning: %s should be writable only for root passwordWarning: %s should be readable only for root if using PASSWORD verbose/boot/maptimeoutSyntax errorNo images have been defined.The boot sector and the map file have *NOT* been altered. map_patch_first: String is too longopen %s: %slseek %s: %sread %s: %sNo image "%s" is definedwrite %s: %smap_patch_first: Bad write ?!?close %s: %screat %s: %sHole found in map file (zero sector)lseek map filewrite map fileHole found in map file (first descr. sector)Hole found in map file (second descr. sector)Hole found in map file (default command line)fstat map fileMap file size: %ld bytes. Hole found in map file (app. sector)Covering hole at sector %d. sCompaction removed %d BIOS call%s. Hole found in map file (alloc_page)Empty map section Mapped AL=0x%02x CX=0x%04x DX=0x%04x, linear=%d Map segment is too big.ropen %s: %s/etc/disktab 0x%x 0x%x %d %d %d %dInvalid line in %s: "%s"DISKTAB and DISK are mutually exclusivepartitionstat %s: %s%s is not a valid partition devicestartDuplicate geometry definition for %sdiskRSN: %s is not a whole disk devicebiossectorsheadscylindersMust specify SECTORS and HEADS togetheropendir %s: %s%s/%s...Trying to map files from your RAM disk. Please check -r option or ROOT environment variable.geo_query_dev FDGETPRM (dev 0x%04x): %s/devgeo_query_dev HDIO_GETGEO (dev 0x%04x): %sHDIO_REQ not supported for your SCSI controller. Please use a DISK sectionSorry, don't know how to handle device 0x%04xWarning: BIOS drive 0x%02x may not be accessible Device 0x%04x: BIOS drive 0x%02x, no geometry. Device 0x%04X: Got bad geometry %d/%d/%d Device 0x%04X: Maximum number of heads is %d, not %d Device 0x%04X: Maximum number of sectors is %d, not %d Warning: device 0x%04x exceeds %d cylinder limit Device 0x%04x: BIOS drive 0x%02x, %d heads, %d cylinders, %15s%d sectors. Partition offset: %d sectors. :BIOS syntax is no longer supported. Please use a DISK section fstat %s: %s%s: neither a reg. file nor a block dev.FIGETBSZ %s: %s Incompatible block size: %d Internal error: sector > 0 after geo_open_bootioctl FIBMAPfd %d: offset %d -> linear %d geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (%d > %d)geo_comp_addr: Cylinder %d beyond end of media (%d)fd %d: offset %d -> dev %d, head %d, track %d, sector %d Kernel %s is too bigBoot image: %s fstat %s: %sread %s: %ssSetup length is %d sector%s. Mapped %d sector%s. Boot device: %s, range %s Invalid range/boot/chain.b, on Boot other: %s%s%s, loader %s unsafeTABLE and UNSAFE are mutually incompatible.lseek %s: %sCan't get magic number of %sFirst sector of %s doesn't have a valid boot signatureMust specify LOADER for BIOS device 0x%02Xopen %s: %sChain loader %s is too bigDuplicate entry in partition tablePartition entry not found.Mapped 2 (1+1) sectors. opendir %s: %s.../devstat /dev: %s/tmp/dev.%dFailed to create a temporary devicemknod %s: %sstat %s: %sCreated temporary device %s (0x%04X) open %s: %sclose %s: %sRemoved temporary device %s (0x%04X) Out of memoryNot a number: "%s"First boot sectorSecond boot sectorChain loaderInternal error: Unknown stage code %dLILO%s doesn't have a valid LILO signature%s has an invalid stage code (%d)%s is version %d. Expecting version %d.current root.Reading boot sector from %s open %s: %sstat %s: %s/stat /Can't put the boot sector on logical partition 0x%Xcurrent rootWarning: %s is not on the first disk read %s: %sMap %s is not a regular file./boot/boot.bMerging with %s sSecondary loader: %d sector%s. ~messageMapping message file %s %s is too big (> %d bytes)Message: %d sector%s. serialInvalid serial port in "%s" (should be 0-3)Serial syntax is [,[[]]]Unsupported baud rateValid parity values are N, O and EOnly 7 or 8 bits supportedSynax error in SERIALpromptSetting DELAY to 20 (2 seconds) Maximum delay is one hour.Maximum timeout is one hour.defaultlabelLabel "%s" is too longInvalid image name.read-onlyread-writeConflicting READONLY and READ_WRITE settings.ro rw rootcurrentroot=%x ramdiskramdisk=%d lockvganormalextextendedaskDuplicate label "%s"passwordPassword "%s" is too longrestrictedRESTRICTED is only valid if PASSWORD is set.appendliteralmap_write(&descr->options,1,0) == 1bsect.c%s:%u: failed assertion `%s' aliasAlias label "%s" is too longOnly %d image names can be defined Added %s (alias %s) * %4s %4s"%s" WARNING: The system is unbootable ! %9sRun LILO again to correct this./boot/boot.%04X%s exists - no backup copy made. creat %s: %swrite %s: %sBackup copy of boot sector in %s fstat %s: %sclose %s: %slseek %s: %sWriting boot sector. rename %s %s: %sNo variable "%s" optionalSkipping %s imagerangeothertableloaderBoot sector of %s does not have a boot signatureLILOBoot sector of %s doesn't have a LILO signatureTimestamp in boot sector of %s differs from date of %s Try using the -U option if you know what you're doing.Reading old boot sector. Restoring old boot sector. otherimagenowarnappendread-writeread-onlyoptionalrestrictedpasswordramdisklockvgarootserialforce-backupbackupverbosemessagemapdiskdisktabinstallignore-tablefix-tablelinearprompttimeoutdelaydefaultcompactbootaliaslabelliteralrangeunsafetableloadercylindersheadssectorsbiospartitionstart-r near line %d in file %s %s %s = Can't emit \t or \n =#\ =EOF in quoted stringBad use of \ in quoted string\n and \t are not allowed in quoted stringsQuoted string is too long\ precedes EOFToken is too longSyntax errorValue expected at EOFSyntax error after %sUnknown syntax code %d'%s' doesn't have a valueValue expected for '%s'Duplicate entry '%s'Ignoring entry '%s' cfg_set: Can't set %sinternal error (cfg_unset %s, unset)internal error (cfg_unset %s, unknowncfg_get_flag: operating on non-flag %scfg_get_flag: unknown item %scfg_get_strg: operating on non-string %scfg_get_strg: unknown item %sInternal error: temp_unregister %s(temp) %s: %sRemoved temporary file %s fix-tablelseek partition tableShort read on partition tableread partition tablerdthndstDevice 0x%04X: Invalid partition table, %d%s entry 3D address: %d/%d/%d (%d) Linear address: %d/%d/%d (%d) ignore-tableThe partition table is *NOT* being adjusted. /boot/part.%04Xcreat %s: %sShort write on %sclose %s: %sBackup copy of partition table in %s Writing modified partition table to device 0x%04X Short write on partition tablewrite partition tablelabelalias%s imageSyntax errorNo image found for "%s" 0123OoNnEe1503006001200240048009600_bYc_@wYwB:2,$ 01ޓ֓ϓ“~sleMG~slS[4nhau/. > N ^ n ~           . > N ^ n ~         .>N^n~.>N^n~   px$ T $H  0j dxdx'<6Xj Pn4OkCd9f.V`cmx456789:<Fm)v=KWdp|#$()*./0105>7M8[9j:x;>?(7p M ) > K LT M^ $lxl lz m n o @l @m @n @olibgcc2.c/tmp/gcc-2.6.3/./libgcc2.cgcc2_compiled.int:t1=r1;-2147483648;2147483647;char:t2=r2;0;127;long int:t3=r1;-2147483648;2147483647;unsigned int:t4=r1;0;-1;long unsigned int:t5=r1;0;-1;long long int:t6=r1;01000000000000000000000;0777777777777777777777;long long unsigned int:t7=r1;0000000000000;01777777777777777777777;short int:t8=r1;-32768;32767;short unsigned int:t9=r1;0;65535;signed char:t10=r1;-128;127;unsigned char:t11=r1;0;255;float:t12=r1;4;0;double:t13=r1;8;0;long double:t14=r1;12;0;complex int:t15=s8real:1,0,32;imag:1,32,32;;complex float:t16=r16;4;0;complex double:t17=r17;8;0;complex long double:t18=r18;12;0;void:t19=19reg_class:T20=eNO_REGS:0,AREG:1,DREG:2,\CREG:3,BREG:4,AD_REGS:5,Q_REGS:6,\SIREG:7,DIREG:8,INDEX_REGS:9,GENERAL_REGS:10,\FP_TOP_REG:11,FP_SECOND_REG:12,FLOAT_REGS:13,\ALL_REGS:14,LIM_REG_CLASSES:15,;machine_mode:T21=eVOIDmode:0,QImode:1,HImode:2,\PSImode:3,SImode:4,PDImode:5,DImode:6,\TImode:7,OImode:8,QFmode:9,HFmode:10,\TQFmode:11,SFmode:12,DFmode:13,XFmode:14,\TFmode:15,SCmode:16,DCmode:17,XCmode:18,\TCmode:19,CQImode:20,CHImode:21,CSImode:22,\CDImode:23,CTImode:24,COImode:25,\BLKmode:26,CCmode:27,CCFPEQmode:28,\MAX_MACHINE_MODE:29,;mode_class:T22=eMODE_RANDOM:0,MODE_INT:1,MODE_FLOAT:2,\MODE_PARTIAL_INT:3,MODE_CC:4,MODE_COMPLEX_INT:5,\MODE_COMPLEX_FLOAT:6,MAX_MODE_CLASS:7,;ptrdiff_t:t1size_t:t4wchar_t:t3UQItype:t11SItype:t1USItype:t4DItype:t6UDItype:t7SFtype:t12DFtype:t13XFtype:t14word_type:t1DIstruct:T23=s8low:1,0,32;high:1,32,32;;DIunion:t24=u8s:23,0,64;ll:6,0,64;;__long_double_t:t14_G_clock_t:t3_G_dev_t:t9_G_fpos_t:t3_G_gid_t:t9_G_ino_t:t5_G_mode_t:t9_G_nlink_t:t9_G_off_t:t3_G_pid_t:t1_G_ptrdiff_t:t1_G_sigset_t:t4_G_size_t:t4_G_time_t:t3_G_uid_t:t9_G_wchar_t:t3_G_ssize_t:t1_G_wint_t:t1_G_va_list:t25=*19_G_int8_t:t10_G_uint8_t:t11_G_int16_t:t8_G_uint16_t:t9_G_int32_t:t3_G_uint32_t:t5_G_int64_t:t6_G_uint64_t:t7_IO_lock_t:T26=s8ptr:25,0,32;field1:8,32,16;\field2:8,48,16;;_IO_marker:T27=s12_next:28=*27,0,32;_sbuf:29=*30=xs_IO_FILE:,32,32;\_pos:1,64,32;;_IO_FILE:T30=s84_flags:1,0,32;_IO_read_ptr:31=*2,32,32;\_IO_read_end:31,64,32;_IO_read_base:31,96,32;\_IO_write_base:31,128,32;_IO_write_ptr:31,160,32;\_IO_write_end:31,192,32;_IO_buf_base:31,224,32;\_IO_buf_end:31,256,32;_IO_save_base:31,288,32;_IO_backup_base:31,320,32;\_IO_save_end:31,352,32;_markers:28,384,32;_chain:29,416,32;\_jumps:32=*33=xs_IO_jump_t:,448,32;_fileno:1,480,32;\_blksize:1,512,32;_offset:3,544,32;_cur_column:9,576,16;\_unused:2,592,8;_shortbuf:34=ar1;0;0;2,600,8;\_IO_lock:26,608,64;;_IO_FILE:t30FILE:t30fpos_t:t3__eprintf:F19string:p35=*2expression:p35line:p1filename:p35string:r35expression:r35line:r1filename:r35GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss.stab.stabstr.comment#<) $$1T9   0B H H K  Q  Vh\pxpxbxxxx!jpw~$$  q