;ELC ;;; compiled by rms@churchy.gnu.ai.mit.edu on Thu Apr 20 22:06:11 1995 ;;; from file /gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/term/bg-mouse.el ;;; emacs version ;;; bytecomp version FSF 2.10 ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "`/gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/term/bg-mouse.el' was compiled for Emacs 19")) #@79 *Non-nil for mouse hits to select new window, then execute; else just select. (defvar bg-mouse-fast-select-window nil (#$ . -497)) (byte-code "\nB\nB\nB\nB \nB \nB \nB\nB" [1 bg-button-r current-load-list 2 bg-button-m bg-button-c 4 bg-button-l 8 bg-in-modeline 16 bg-in-scrollbar 24 bg-in-minibuf 59 semicolon] 2) #@683 Read, parse, and execute a BBN BitGraph mouse click. L-- move point | These apply for mouse click in a window. --R set mark | If bg-mouse-fast-select-window is nil, L-R kill region | these commands on a nonselected window -C- move point and yank | just select that window. LC- yank-pop | -CR or LCR undo | "Scroll bar" is right-hand window column. on modeline: on "scroll bar": in minibuffer: L-- scroll-up line to top execute-extended-command --R scroll-down line to bottom eval-expression -C- proportional goto-char line to middle suspend-emacs To reinitialize the mouse if the terminal is reset, type ESC : RET (defalias 'bg-mouse-report #[(prefix-arg) " ! S !å^ S !ƥZ!ɦ\n\f\"\f \f! SU?F8SU?[?[\f8SY\f=l\f?wx\\\\\n\\!\"!\f@Z\"A@Z#\f!!!!!!\f!&!!." [bg-get-tty-num semicolon frame-width 9 screen-mouse-x frame-height 16 screen-mouse-y 99 8 bg-mouse-buttons bg-window-from-x-y bg-mouse-window selected-window bg-cursor-window window-edges edges screen-height minibuf-p 3 in-modeline-p 2 in-scrollbar-p same-window-p in-minibuf-p bg-in-minibuf 0 bg-in-modeline bg-in-scrollbar bg-mode-bits lookup-key mouse-map char-to-string bg-command bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y select-window bg-command-execute bg-mouse-fast-select-window] 6 (#$ . 855) "P"]) #@43 Move point to location of BitGraph mouse. (defalias 'bg-set-point #[nil " \n\" " [bg-move-point-to-x-y bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y next-line this-command temporary-goal-column] 3 (#$ . 2330) nil]) #@41 Set mark at location of BitGraph mouse. (defalias 'bg-set-mark #[nil " \n \" " [push-mark bg-move-point-to-x-y bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y exchange-point-and-mark] 3 (#$ . 2534) nil]) #@52 Move point to location of BitGraph mouse and yank. (defalias 'bg-yank #[nil " \n\" " [bg-move-point-to-x-y bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y yank this-command] 3 (#$ . 2724) "*"]) (defalias 'yank-pop-1 #[nil "!" [yank-pop 1] 2 nil "*"]) #@96 Move point to location of BitGraph mouse and yank. If last command was a yank, do a yank-pop. (defalias 'bg-yank-or-pop #[nil "=\n! " [last-command yank yank-pop 1 bg-yank] 2 (#$ . 2964) "*"]) (byte-code "\nB" [8388607 bg-most-positive-fixnum current-load-list] 2) #@134 Go to location in buffer that is the same percentage of the way through the buffer as the BitGraph mouse's X position in the window. (defalias 'bg-move-by-percentage #[nil "U\n& W _ S& S_by " [bg-mouse-x 0 buffer-size bg-most-positive-fixnum window-width what-cursor-position] 3 (#$ . 3252) nil]) #@76 Scroll the line pointed to by the BitGraph mouse to the top of the window. (defalias 'bg-mouse-line-to-top #[nil " !" [scroll-up bg-mouse-y] 2 (#$ . 3585) nil]) #@79 Scroll the line pointed to by the BitGraph mouse to the center of the window (defalias 'bg-mouse-line-to-center #[nil " [\\\\\\å!" [scroll-up bg-mouse-y window-height 2] 5 (#$ . 3754) nil]) #@70 Scroll the line pointed to by the mouse to the bottom of the window. (defalias 'bg-mouse-line-to-bottom #[nil " Z\\!" [scroll-up bg-mouse-y 2 window-height] 4 (#$ . 3958) nil]) (defalias 'bg-kill-region #[nil " \"" [kill-region region-beginning region-end] 3 nil "*"]) #@144 Insert a copy of the word (actually sexp) that the mouse is pointing at. Sexp is inserted into the buffer at point (where the text cursor is). (defalias 'bg-insert-moused-sexp #[nil " \n\"!u!!`)`{)\n! n4 Ju!?B!)J!!lj!j!e!j!))" [bg-move-point-to-x-y bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y looking-at "\\s)" 1 forward-sexp backward-sexp moused-text select-window bg-cursor-window delete-horizontal-space indent-according-to-mode -1 "\\s\"" "[`'\"\\]\\|\\s(" insert-string " " "\\s.\\|\\s)" "'" "\\sw"] 3 (#$ . 4244) nil]) #@156 Read from terminal until TERM-CHAR is read, and return intervening number. If non-numeric not matching TERM-CHAR, reprogram the mouse and signal an error. (defalias 'bg-get-tty-num #[(term-char) " Z Y\" X\"\f_ \\ Z \\=2 !\f*" [0 read-char 48 char num 9 10 term-char bg-program-mouse error "Invalid data format in bg-mouse command: mouse reinitialized."] 4 (#$ . 4823)]) #@95 Position cursor in window coordinates. X and Y are 0-based character positions in the window. (defalias 'bg-move-point-to-x-y #[(x y) " !i  V S\f \\\\!*" [move-to-window-line y window-hscroll scroll-offset zero-column 0 move-to-column x] 4 (#$ . 5230)]) #@105 Find window corresponding to screen coordinates. X and Y are 0-based character positions on the screen. (defalias 'bg-window-from-x-y #[(x y) " \n =8 A@W- 8Y- @W- 8Y8\n!\n!\n =CM\nL M\n*" [window-edges nil window edges selected-window y 3 x 2 next-window] 3 (#$ . 5505)]) (defalias 'bg-command-execute #[(bg-command) " !\n ! " [commandp bg-command command-execute ding] 2]) (defalias 'bg-program-mouse #[nil "!" [send-string-to-terminal ":0;7;;;360;512;9;16;9;16c"] 2]) (byte-code " ! " [keymapp mouse-map make-keymap] 2) #@43 Bind bg-mouse CLICK-CODE to run FUNCTION. (defalias 'bind-bg-mouse-click #[(click-code function) " !\f#" [define-key mouse-map char-to-string click-code function] 4 (#$ . 6094)]) (byte-code " \" \" \" \\\" \\\" \\\" \\\\\"\n \\\"\n \\\"\n \\\" \\\" \\\" \\\" \\\" \\\" \\\"!" [bind-bg-mouse-click bg-button-l bg-set-point bg-button-m bg-yank bg-button-r bg-set-mark yank-pop-1 bg-kill-region undo bg-in-modeline scroll-up bg-move-by-percentage scroll-down bg-in-scrollbar bg-mouse-line-to-top bg-mouse-line-to-center bg-mouse-line-to-bottom bg-in-minibuf execute-extended-command suspend-emacs eval-expression provide bg-mouse] 4)