;ELC ;;; compiled by rms@churchy.gnu.ai.mit.edu on Thu Apr 20 22:08:37 1995 ;;; from file /gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/term/sun.el ;;; emacs version ;;; bytecomp version FSF 2.10 ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "`/gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/term/sun.el' was compiled for Emacs 19")) #@31 interactive version of ignore (defalias 'ignore-key #[nil " " [ignore] 1 (#$ . 487) nil]) (defalias 'scroll-down-in-place #[(n) " ! !" [previous-line n scroll-down] 2 nil "p"]) (defalias 'scroll-up-in-place #[(n) " ! !" [next-line n scroll-up] 2 nil "p"]) #@67 Like kill-region, but pops the mark [which equals point, anyway.] (defalias 'kill-region-and-unmark #[(beg end) " \n\"!" [kill-region beg end kill-region-and-unmark this-command set-mark-command t] 3 (#$ . 759) "r"]) #@33 Select Previous-complex-command (defalias 'select-previous-complex-command #[nil " U !!" [minibuffer-depth 0 repeat-complex-command 1 previous-complex-command] 2 (#$ . 989) nil]) #@34 Repeat Previous-complex-command. (defalias 'rerun-prev-command #[nil " @!" [eval command-history] 2 (#$ . 1184) nil]) #@27 Default arg for RE-search (defvar grep-arg nil (#$ . 1310)) (defalias 'grep-arg #[nil ">\n @\f@!\fA@ \"\n3;3A \n\n\"\n \n," [last-command (research-forward research-backward) grep-arg command-history command symbol-name command-name search-arg string-match "search" search-command this-command read-string "REsearch: "] 4]) #@27 Repeat RE search forward. (defalias 'research-forward #[nil " !" [re-search-forward grep-arg] 2 (#$ . 1682) nil]) #@28 Repeat RE search backward. (defalias 'research-backward #[nil " !" [re-search-backward grep-arg] 2 (#$ . 1805) nil]) #@60 *If non-nil, rebind ESC [ as prefix for Sun function keys. (defvar sun-esc-bracket nil (#$ . -1931)) (byte-code "!  B # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"@A\"BC\"DE\"FG\"HI\"JK\"LM\"NO\"PQ!" [boundp sun-raw-prefix make-sparse-keymap current-load-list define-key function-key-map "[" "210z" [r3] "213z" [r6] "214z" [r7] "216z" [r9] "218z" [r11] "220z" [r13] "222z" [r15] "193z" [redo] "194z" [props] "195z" [undo] "200z" [find] "226z" [t3] "227z" [t4] "229z" [t6] "230z" [t7] "A" [up] "B" [down] "C" [right] "D" [left] global-set-key [r3] backward-page [r6] forward-page [r7] beginning-of-buffer [r9] scroll-down [r11] recenter [r13] end-of-buffer [r15] scroll-up [redo] redraw-display [props] list-buffers [undo] undo [put] sun-select-region [get] sun-yank-selection [find] exchange-point-and-mark [t3] scroll-down-in-place [t4] scroll-up-in-place [t6] shrink-window [t7] enlarge-window sun-esc-bracket global-unset-key] 4) #@57 List of forms to evaluate after setting sun-raw-prefix. (defvar sun-raw-prefix-hooks nil (#$ . 3066)) (byte-code " @! A)!B‡" [sun-raw-prefix-hooks hooks eval boundp meta-flag t current-load-list] 3) #@33 *Keymap for Emacstool bindings. (defvar suntool-map (make-sparse-keymap) (#$ . -3297)) (byte-code " # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # @A# BC#DE #" [define-key suntool-map "gr" beginning-of-buffer "iR" backward-page "ir" scroll-down "kr" recenter "mr" end-of-buffer "oR" forward-page "or" scroll-up "b" rerun-prev-command "b" prev-complex-command "bl" redraw-display "cl" list-buffers "dl" undo "el" ignore-key "fl" sun-select-region "f," copy-region-as-kill "gl" "hl" sun-yank-selection "h," yank "il" research-forward "i," re-search-forward "i" research-backward "i" re-search-backward "jL" "jl" kill-region-and-unmark "j" exchange-point-and-mark "j," (lambda nil (interactive) (pop-mark 1)) "fT" shrink-window-horizontally "gT" enlarge-window-horizontally "ft" shrink-window "gt" enlarge-window "cT" (lambda (n) (interactive "p") (scroll-down n)) "dT" (lambda (n) (interactive "p") (scroll-up n)) "ct" scroll-down-in-place "dt" scroll-up-in-place ctl-x-map "*"] 4) #@54 List of forms to evaluate after setting suntool-map. (defvar suntool-map-hooks nil (#$ . 4450)) (byte-code " @! A)‡" [suntool-map-hooks hooks eval] 3) #@53 Sun Emacstool handler for mouse blips (not loaded). (autoload (quote sun-mouse-handler) "sun-mouse" '(#$ . 4621) t) #@63 Set up Emacstool window, if you know you are in an emacstool. (defalias 'emacstool-init #[nil "! # W! ## #Q!" [require sun-fns define-key ctl-x-map "" sun-mouse-handler sun-window-init 0 message "Not a Sun Window" substitute-key-definition suspend-emacs suspend-emacstool global-map esc-map send-string-to-terminal "]lEmacstool - GNU Emacs " emacs-version "\\"] 4 (#$ . 4743)]) #@65 Converts to emacstool and sun-mouse-handler on first mouse hit. (defalias 'sun-mouse-once #[nil " " [emacstool-init sun-mouse-handler] 1 (#$ . 5166) nil]) (define-key ctl-x-map "" (quote sun-mouse-once))