\nopagenumbers \font\bigbf=cmbx14 \the\day/\the\month/\the\year \smallskip {\bigbf \centerline {Fonts in \TeX.}} \vskip 1.5cm Following is a list of fonts' names available within \TeX\ on SHUM. \medskip Most fonts can be used with all the usual $\backslash$magstep's, as well as with other magnifications. See reference to magnifications below. \bigskip \bigskip $$\vbox{\offinterlineskip \hrule \halign{\vrule#&& \strut\quad#\hfil\quad&\vrule#\cr height5pt&\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &font name&&description&&other available sizes (*)&\cr height5pt&\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr \noalign{\hrule} height5pt&\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &cmb10&&boldface&&\omit&\cr &cmbsy10&&boldface math symbols&&\omit&\cr &cmbx10&&boldface extended&&5~6~7~8~9~12&\cr &cmbxsl10&&boldface extended slanted&&\omit&\cr &cmbxti10&&boldface extended italics&&\omit&\cr &cmcsc10&&caps and small caps&&\omit&\cr &cmdunh10&&Dunhill style&&\omit&\cr &cmex10&&math extension&&\omit&\cr &cmff10&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &cmfib8&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &cminch&&inch-high caps&&\omit&\cr &cmitt10&&italics typewriter&&\omit&\cr &cmmi10&&math italics&&5~6~7~8~9~12&\cr &cmmib10&&math italics boldface&&\omit&\cr &cmr10&&roman text&&5~6~7~8~9~12~17&\cr &cmsl10&&slanted&&8~9~12&\cr &cmsltt10&&slanted typewriter&&\omit&\cr &cmss10&&sans serif&&8~9~12~17&\cr &cmssbx10&&sans serif boldface&&\omit&\cr &cmssdc10&&sans serif variation&&\omit&\cr &cmssi10&&sans serif italics&&8~9~12~17&\cr &cmssq8&&sans serif variation&&\omit&\cr &cmssqi8&&sans serif variation slanted&&\omit&\cr &cmsy10&&math symbols&&5~6~7~8~9&\cr &cmtcsc10&&text small caps&&\omit&\cr &cmtex10&&tex characters&&8~9&\cr &cmti10&&text italics&&7~8~9~12&\cr &cmtt10&&typewriter&&8~9~12&\cr &cmu10&&unslanted text italics&&\omit&\cr &cmvtt10&&\omit&&\omit&\cr height5pt&\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr } \hrule} $$ \medskip (*) Other sizes refer to same font, other heights, e.g. cmbx5~. \bigskip \hbox to \hsize{\hfil (Continued on next page)} \vfil\eject (Continued) \vskip 1cm $$\vbox{\offinterlineskip \hrule \halign{\vrule#&& \strut\quad#\hfil\quad&\vrule#\cr height5pt&\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &font name&&description&&other available sizes &\cr height5pt&\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr \noalign{\hrule} height5pt&\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &Jerusalem&&hebrew font&&\omit&\cr &TelAviv&&hebrew sans serif&&\omit&\cr &DeadSea&&hebrew boldface&&\omit&\cr &OldJaffa&&hebrew thin&&\omit&\cr &redis10&&hebrew square&&8~9~12~17&\cr &rediss10&&hebrew square slanted&&8~9~12&\cr &\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &eufb10&&Gothic boldface&&5~7&\cr &eufm10&&Gothic&&5~7~24&\cr &eurb10&&Greek+Latin boldface&&7~8~14&\cr &eurm10&&Greek+Latin&&5~14~24&\cr &eusb10&&\omit&&5~7&\cr &eusm10&&\omit&&5~7&\cr &\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &lasy10&&LaTeX symbols&&5~6~7~8~9&\cr &lcircle10&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &lcirclew10&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &line10&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &linew10&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &lcmss8&&sans serif&&\omit&\cr &lcmssb8&&sans serif boldface&&\omit&\cr &lcmssi8&&sans serif italics&&\omit&\cr &\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &mcyb10&&Cyrilic boldface&&8~9&\cr &mcyr10&&Cyrilic&&6~7~8~9&\cr &wncyr10&&Cyrilic&&5~6~7~8~9&\cr &wncyb10&&Cyrilic boldface&&5~6~7~8~9&\cr &wncyi10&&Cyrilic italics&&5~6~7~8~9&\cr &wncysc10&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &wncyss10&&\omit&&8~9&\cr &\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr &msxm10&&math symbols&&5~6~7~8~9&\cr &msym10&&math symbols&&5~6~7~8~9&\cr &zmsy10&&scientific symbols&&\omit&\cr height5pt&\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr } \hrule} $$ \vskip .8cm \font\big=cmbx12 \hbox to \hsize{\big Displaying font's characters \hfil} \medskip A table containing any font's characters is obtainable by running the following \TeX\ commands: \medskip $\backslash$input fonttable \par\vskip .1cm $\backslash$table$\{$fontname$\}$ \medskip where 'fontname' is any name taken from the above list. Several tables can be requested in one run. \bigskip Each font table contains up to 128 different characters. The octal sequence number of any character within its font (that is, within the table), going from '0 to '177, can be found out by using the numbers on top and on the left of each font table. You can utilize this sequence number whenever you want to use a character which does not have an equivalent key on your keyboard; for example, to use the black circle whose (octal) sequence number is '17 within the font {\bf cmbsy10}, you can write \par\vskip .1cm $\backslash {\rm font}\backslash {\rm symb}={\rm cmbsy10}$ \par\vskip .1cm Here's the black circle: $\{\backslash{\rm symb} \backslash{\rm char'17}\}$ \par \vskip .2cm \noindent The output will be: \vskip .1cm Here's the black circle: \font\xx=cmbsy10 {\xx\char15} \bigskip \bigskip \hbox to \hsize{\big Using fonts \hfil} \medskip You can specify up to 43 fonts in one document, by typing for each font \par\vskip .1cm $\backslash {\rm font}\backslash {\rm cs}=xxxx$ \par\vskip .1cm \noindent where cs is a control sequence of your choice (consisting of letters only) and $xxxx$ is the name of one of the available fonts. You can later use that specified font by typing \par\vskip .1cm $\backslash {\rm cs}$ Note that ``special'' characters, e.g. Greek letters (from font cmmi10), math operators (from font cmex10) and many caligraphic symbols (from font cmsy10) can be used by specifying pre-defined control sequences. When you use a pre-defined control sequence for some character (e.g. $\backslash \rm alpha$) you don't have to specify the font containing the required character or its sequence number within the font; The control sequence contains the font's identification. However, as most of these sequences apply only in math mode, you have to be in math mode when using them, that is, they have to be surrounded by dollar signs (or by a larger text which is surrounded somewhere by dollar signs). \vskip .8cm Appendix F of the \TeX{ } book lists those built-in control sequences. \bigskip \rm The following control sequences are also available: \vskip .4cm \settabs 3 \columns \+$\backslash \rm rm\ or\ \backslash tenrm$&Default roman style (cmr10).\cr \+$\backslash \rm fiverm,\ \backslash \rm sevenrm$&Smaller roman styles (cmr5, cmr7).\cr \+$\backslash \rm bf\ or\ \backslash tenbf$&Bold face (cmbx10).\cr \+$\backslash \rm fivebf,\ \backslash sevenbf$&Smaller boldface styles (cmbx5, cmbx7).\cr \+$\backslash \rm sl\ or\ \backslash \rm tensl$&Slanted style (cmsl10).\cr \+$\backslash \rm it\ or\ \backslash tenit$&Italics text font (cmti10).\cr \+$\backslash \rm tt\ or\ \backslash tentt$&Typewriter font (cmtt10).\cr \+$\backslash \rm teni\ or\ \backslash mit$&Math italic font (cmmi10).\cr \+&\ \ \ \ The digits in this font are also called $\backslash \rm oldstyle.$\cr \+$\backslash \rm fivei,\ \backslash seveni$&Smaller math italics (cmmi5, cmmi7).\cr \+&\ \ \ \ These two fonts are the default math fonts\cr \+&\ \ \ \ for script and sub-scripts.\cr \+$\backslash \rm cal\ or\ \backslash tensy$&Math symbol font (cmsy10).\cr \+$\backslash \rm fivesy,\ \backslash sevensy$&Smaller math symbol fonts (cmsy5, cmsy7).\cr \+&\ \ \ \ These two fonts are the default math symbol fonts\cr \+&\ \ \ \ for script and sub-scripts.\cr \+$\backslash \rm tenex$&Math extension font (cmex10).\cr \bigskip \bigskip \hbox to \hsize{\big Magnifications \hfil} \medskip You can use a font at several different sizes by specifying \par\vskip .1cm $\backslash {\rm font}\backslash cs=xxxx \ {\rm scaled}\ size$ \par\vskip .1cm\noindent where $cs$ is a name of yor choice, $xxxx$ is one of the availabe fonts, and $size$ is an integer number, so that 1000 means scale ratio of 1 (no enlargement), 1500 means scale ratio of 1.5, etc. \par\vskip .8cm It is sometimes convenient to use fonts at magnifications that grow in geometric rations. The idea is to have all fonts available at their true size as well as at magnifications 1.2 and 1.44 (which is $1.2 * 1.2$) and even higher. Then you can magnify an entire document by 1.2 or 1.44 and still stay within the set of available fonts. \TeX{ } provides the abbreviations $\backslash{\rm magstep0}$ for a scale factor of 1000, $\backslash{\rm magstep1}$ for a scale factor of 1200, $\backslash{\rm magstep2}$ for 1440, and so on up to $\backslash{\rm magstep5}$. You say, for example, \vskip .1cm $\backslash {\rm font} \backslash {\rm bigtenrm=cmr10~scaled~} \backslash {\rm magstep2}$ \vskip .1cm\noindent to load font cmr10 at $1.2 * 1.2$ times its normal size. \vskip2cm \bigskip \hbox to \hsize{\big How to obtain this guide \hfil} \medskip \noindent The current guide is obtainable by using the command \medskip ~~~~~~~~~~$\backslash$tex font\_guide \bigskip \vskip 2cm Rama porrat, Computation Center, Hebrew University, Tel. 02-584539. \vfil\eject \end