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911 V 1357 905 12 29 v 136 w @beginspecial @setspecial @endspecial 49 w(\\j)p 1492 911 2 50 v 323 961 V 349 946 a Fk(\372)56 b Fl(\\oe)p 584 961 V 100 w Fk(\352)68 b Fl(\\OE)p 888 961 V 124 w Fk(\361)116 b Fl(\\ae)p 1331 961 V 1492 961 V 323 1013 2 53 v 349 998 a Fk(\341)49 b Fl(\\AE)p 584 1013 V 100 w Fk(a)-16 b(\312)89 b Fl(\\aa)p 888 1013 V 124 w Fk(A)922 990 y(\312)1058 998 y Fl(\\AA)p 1331 1013 V 1492 1013 V 323 1063 2 50 v 349 1048 a Fk(\371)65 b Fl(\\o)p 584 1063 V 125 w Fk(\351)75 b Fl(\\O)p 888 1063 V 149 w Fk(\370)132 b Fl(\\l)p 1331 1063 V 1492 1063 V 323 1113 V 349 1098 a Fk(\350)61 b Fl(\\L)p 584 1113 V 125 w Fk(\373)84 b Fl(\\ss)p 888 1113 V 124 w Fk(\277)126 b Fl(?`)p 1331 1113 V 1492 1113 V 323 1163 V 349 1148 a Fk(\241)72 b Fl(!`)p 584 1163 V 125 w Fe(:)7 b(:)g(:)58 b Fl(\\ldots)p 888 1163 V 49 w Fk(L)924 1139 y Fc(A)939 1148 y Fk(T)957 1157 y(E)978 1148 y(X)50 b Fl(\\LaTeX)p 1331 1163 V 1492 1163 V 324 1164 1169 2 v 220 1234 a Fk(This)13 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(quite)e(correct)i(\320)f(it)f(will)g(always)i(be)f(in)g(italic.)p 324 1694 1572 2 v 323 1744 2 50 v 349 1729 a Fl(\\rm)199 b Fk(Roman)p 806 1744 V 89 w Fl(\\itshape)74 b Fj(Italic)p 1321 1744 V 152 w Fl(\\scshape)h Fk(S)r Fi(M)r(A)r(L)r(L)13 b Fk(C)r Fi(A)r(P)r(S)p 1894 1744 V 323 1794 V 349 1779 a Fl(\\em)199 b Fj(Emphatic)p 806 1794 V 49 w Fl(\\slshape)74 b Fh(Slanted)p 1321 1794 V 116 w Fl(\\ttfamily)49 b(Typewriter)p 1894 1794 V 323 1843 V 349 1828 a(\\bfseries)g Fg(Boldface)p 806 1843 V 54 w Fl(\\sffamily)g Ff(Sans)11 b(Serif)p 1321 1843 V 1894 1843 V 324 1845 1572 2 v 324 1886 1271 2 v 323 1936 2 50 v 352 1921 a Fk(\301)-17 b(o)70 b Fl(\\`{o})p 614 1936 V 78 w Fk(\304)-18 b(o)50 b Fl(\\\304{o})p 858 1936 V 53 w Fk(\317)-18 b(o)50 b Fl(\\v{o})p 1103 1936 V 49 w Fk(o)-17 b(\313)53 b Fl(\\c{o})p 1348 1936 V 52 w Fk(\302)-17 b(o)50 b Fl(\\'{o})p 1593 1936 V 323 1986 V 352 1970 a Fk(\305)349 1971 y(o)70 b Fl(\\={o})p 614 1986 V 78 w Fk(\315)-18 b(o)50 b Fl(\\H{o})p 858 1986 V 49 w Fk(o)889 1980 y(.)955 1971 y Fl(\\d{o})p 1103 1986 V 53 w Fk(\303)-18 b(o)50 b Fl(\\\303{o})p 1348 1986 V 52 w Fk(\307)-17 b(o)50 b Fl(\\.{o})p 1593 1986 V 323 2035 V 349 2020 a Fe(\177)349 2021 y Fk(oo)f Fl(\\t{oo})p 614 2035 V 49 w Fk(o)643 2051 y(\305)710 2021 y Fl(\\b{o})p 858 2035 V 53 w Fk(\310)-18 b(o)50 b Fl(\\"{o})p 1103 2035 V 53 w Fk(\306)-18 b(o)50 b Fl(\\u{o})p 1348 2035 V 1593 2035 V 324 2037 1271 2 v 324 2078 1169 2 v 323 2128 2 50 v 349 2113 a Fd(y)68 b Fl(\\dag)p 584 2128 V 75 w Fd(x)87 b Fl(\\S)p 888 2128 V 926 2112 a Fk(c)914 2113 y Fd(\015)102 b Fl(\\copyright)p 1331 2128 V 49 w Fk(\365)49 b Fl(\\i)p 1492 2128 V 323 2178 V 349 2163 a Fd(z)68 b Fl(\\ddag)p 584 2178 V 50 w Fd({)80 b Fl(\\P)p 888 2178 V 149 w Fj(\243)123 b Fl(\\pounds)p 1331 2178 V 1357 2172 12 29 v 136 w @beginspecial @setspecial @endspecial 49 w(\\j)p 1492 2178 2 50 v 323 2228 V 349 2213 a Fk(\372)56 b Fl(\\oe)p 584 2228 V 100 w Fk(\352)68 b Fl(\\OE)p 888 2228 V 124 w Fk(\361)116 b Fl(\\ae)p 1331 2228 V 1492 2228 V 323 2277 V 349 2263 a Fk(\341)49 b Fl(\\AE)p 584 2277 V 102 w Fk(\312)-16 b(a)87 b Fl(\\aa)p 888 2277 V 922 2257 a Fk(\312)914 2263 y(A)114 b Fl(\\AA)p 1331 2277 V 1492 2277 V 323 2327 V 349 2312 a Fk(\371)65 b Fl(\\o)p 584 2327 V 125 w Fk(\351)75 b Fl(\\O)p 888 2327 V 149 w Fk(\370)132 b Fl(\\l)p 1331 2327 V 1492 2327 V 323 2377 V 349 2362 a Fk(\350)61 b Fl(\\L)p 584 2377 V 125 w Fk(\373)84 b Fl(\\ss)p 888 2377 V 124 w Fk(\277)126 b Fl(?`)p 1331 2377 V 1492 2377 V 323 2427 V 349 2412 a Fk(\241)72 b Fl(!`)p 584 2427 V 125 w Fe(:)7 b(:)g(:)58 b Fl(\\ldots)p 888 2427 V 49 w Fk(L)924 2404 y Fc(A)939 2412 y Fk(T)957 2421 y(E)978 2412 y(X)50 b Fl(\\LaTeX)p 1331 2427 V 1492 2427 V 324 2429 1169 2 v 220 2498 a Fk(This)9 b(costs)h(`)p Fj(\243)o Fk(')f(45)g(to)g(do)g(\(or)f Fh($)p Fk(45)h(even\);)g Ff(this)h(costs)g Fb(\243)p Ff(45)g(to)g(do;)h Fb(this)f(costs)f(\24345)i(in)f(sans)h(it-)220 2548 y(alic)e(to)f(do;)i Fi(T)r(H)r(I)r(S)h(C)r(O)r(S)r(T)r(S)g Fk(\252)q Fj(\243)q Fk(\272)g(4)r(5)e Fi(T)q(O)i(D)r(O)r Fk(;)e Fj(this)e(costs)h(\243)o(45)g(to)f(do)g Fa(this)g(costs)h (\24345)f(to)h(do)f(for)g(a)h(f)r(\302)-16 b(ee.)220 2598 y(And)7 b(so)g(on.)13 b Fk(The)8 b(s)s(\305)-17 b(un)7 b(has)h(got)e(his)h(h)r(\305)-16 b(at)7 b(in,)g(hip)g(hip)f(hip) h(hooray!)k(\241THE)d(DAZED)g(BROWN)f(FOX)220 2648 y(QUICKL)l(Y)12 b(GA)-5 b(VE)13 b(12345\26167890)d(JUMPS!)i(\320)g(\277But)g(aren')o(t) h(Kafka')n(s)f(Schlo\373)g(and)h(\341sop')n(s)220 2698 y(\352uvres)d(often)g(na)o(\310)-13 b(\365ve)10 b(vis-)r(\301)-16 b(a-vis)10 b(the)g(d\361monic)f(ph\372nix')n(s)g(of)o(\256cial)h(r)s (\303)-17 b(ole)10 b(in)g(\257uf)o(fy)g(souf)o(\257)r(\302)-16 b(es?)926 2831 y(1)p eop %%Trailer end userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if %%EOF