# README,v 1.4 1994/05/28 12:12:47 ohl Exp ######################################################################## This is feynmf, a combined LaTeX/Metafont package for easy drawing of professional quality Feynman diagrams. feynmf lays out most diagrams satisfactorily from the structure of the graph without any need for manual intervention. Nevertheless all the power of Metafont is available for the most obscure cases. See the documentation for appetizers, examples and more details. This is still pre-release software, please do not redistribute it too liberally among non technical users. The documentation is incomplete and error message are obscure. Even worse: interfaces might still change, breaking people's applications. Anyway, you are invited to share, use, abuse, and improve it, see the file COPYING for details. Enjoy, -Thorsten ######################################################################## Installation: You need LaTeX2e to use feynmf, docstrip.tex to install it and doc.sty to typeset the documentation. You can get all this (and much more) from your nearest CTAN host. To install, either use the Makefile or use the installation file feynmf.ins: $ latex2e feynmf.ins then you can typeset the documentation by $ latex2e feynmf.drv $ mf '\mode:=laserjet; input fmfsampl' $ latex feynmf.drv $ makeindex -s gind.ist -o feynmf.ind feynmf.idx $ makeindex -s gglo.ist -o feynmf.gls feynmf.glo $ latex feynmf.drv or by using the Makefile (`make dvi'). That's it. ######################################################################## Comments, bug reports and improvements are welcome at: Thorsten.Ohl@Physik.TH-Darmstadt.de (aka: ohl@crunch.ikp.physik.th-darmstadt.de) New versions can be found in: crunch.ikp.physik.th-darmstadt.de:/pub/ohl/feynmf or at CTAN: {ftp.shsu.edu,ftp.tex.ac.uk,ftp.dante.de}: ... macros/latex2e/contrib/supported/feynmf Send mail to feynmf-announce-request@crunch.ikp.physik.th-darmstadt.de (aka: ohl@crunch.ikp.physik.th-darmstadt.de) to receive announcements of new versions. ######################################################################## NEWS for Version 0.4alpha (Id: feynmf.dtx,v 1.5 1994/05/28 12:10:04): o MetaPost support. NEWS for Version 0.3alpha (Id: feynmf.dtx,v 1.4 1994/05/26 18:36:01): o ensure that a METAFONT output stream is open. NEWS for Version 0.2alpha (Id: feynmf.dtx,v 1.3 1994/05/20 22:59:38): o fixed compatibility bugs (closing wrong output stream, using \fileversion when already invalid). o better RCS version control support. ######################################################################## # Local Variables: # mode:indented-text # End: