;ELC ;;; compiled by rms@mole.gnu.ai.mit.edu on Sun Jun 18 12:25:01 1995 ;;; from file /home/fsf/rms/e19/lisp/arc-mode.el ;;; emacs version ;;; bytecomp version FSF 2.10 ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19.28.90"))) (error "`arc-mode.el' was compiled for Emacs 19.29 or later")) #@95 *If non-nil then recognize member files using ^M^J as line terminator and do The Right Thing. (defvar archive-dos-members t (#$ . -477)) #@52 *Directory for temporary files made by arc-mode.el (defvar archive-tmpdir (byte-code "\n=\fĂ !!!\"" [expand-file-name make-temp-name system-type ms-dos "ar" "archive.tmp" getenv "TMPDIR" "TMP" "/tmp"] 4) (#$ . -620)) #@165 *Regexp recognizing archive files names that are not local (i.e., are not proper file names outside Emacs). A local copy a the archive will be used when updating. (defvar archive-remote-regexp "^/[^/:]*[^/:]:" (#$ . -864)) #@58 *Hooks to run when an archive member has been extracted. (defvar archive-extract-hooks nil (#$ . -1094)) #@138 *Program and its options to run in order to extract an arc file member to the current directory. Archive and member name will be added. (defvar archive-arc-extract (quote ("arc" "x")) (#$ . -1206)) #@110 *Program and its options to run in order to delete arc file members. Archive and member names will be added. (defvar archive-arc-expunge (quote ("arc" "d")) (#$ . -1412)) #@111 *Program and its options to run in order to update an arc file member. Archive and member name will be added. (defvar archive-arc-write-file-member (quote ("arc" "u")) (#$ . -1590)) #@132 *Program and its options to run in order to extract an lzh file member to standard output. Archive and member name will be added. (defvar archive-lzh-extract (quote ("lha" "pq")) (#$ . -1779)) #@110 *Program and its options to run in order to delete lzh file members. Archive and member names will be added. (defvar archive-lzh-expunge (quote ("lha" "d")) (#$ . -1980)) #@111 *Program and its options to run in order to update an lzh file member. Archive and member name will be added. (defvar archive-lzh-write-file-member (quote ("lha" "a")) (#$ . -2158)) #@128 *If non-nil then all zip options default to values suitable when using pkzip and pkunzip. Only set to true for msdog systems! (defvar archive-zip-use-pkzip (memq system-type (quote (ms-dos windows-nt))) (#$ . -2347)) #@261 *Program and its options to run in order to extract a zip file member to standard output. Archive and member name will be added. If `archive-zip-use-pkzip' is non-nil then this program is expected to extract to a file junking the directory part of the name. (defvar archive-zip-extract (byte-code "‡" [archive-zip-use-pkzip ("pkunzip" "-e") ("unzip" "-qq" "-c")] 1) (#$ . -2572)) #@110 *Program and its options to run in order to delete zip file members. Archive and member names will be added. (defvar archive-zip-expunge (byte-code "‡" [archive-zip-use-pkzip ("pkzip" "-d") ("zip" "-d" "-q")] 1) (#$ . -2968)) #@189 *Program and its options to run in order to update a zip file member. Options should ensure that specified directory will be put into the zip file. Archive and member name will be added. (defvar archive-zip-update (byte-code "‡" [archive-zip-use-pkzip ("pkzip" "-u") ("zip" "-q")] 1) (#$ . -3208)) #@203 *Program and its options to run in order to update a case fiddled zip file member. Options should ensure that specified directory will be put into the zip file. Archive and member name will be added. (defvar archive-zip-update-case (byte-code " ‡" [archive-zip-use-pkzip archive-zip-update ("zip" "-q" "-k")] 1) (#$ . -3521)) #@118 *If non-nil then zip file members are mapped to lower case if created by a system that under single case file names. (defvar archive-zip-case-fiddle t (#$ . -3862)) #@131 *Program and its options to run in order to extract a zoo file member to standard output. Archive and member name will be added. (defvar archive-zoo-extract (quote ("zoo" "xpq")) (#$ . -4034)) #@110 *Program and its options to run in order to delete zoo file members. Archive and member names will be added. (defvar archive-zoo-expunge (quote ("zoo" "DqPP")) (#$ . -4235)) #@110 *Program and its options to run in order to update a zoo file member. Archive and member name will be added. (defvar archive-zoo-write-file-member (quote ("zoo" "a")) (#$ . -4416)) #@34 *Symbol describing archive type. (defvar archive-subtype nil (#$ . -4603)) #@35 *Position of first contents line. (defvar archive-file-list-start nil (#$ . -4684)) #@42 *Position just after last contents line. (defvar archive-file-list-end nil (#$ . -4774)) #@36 *Position of real archive's start. (defvar archive-proper-file-start nil (#$ . -4869)) #@47 *Non-nil if the archive is read-only on disk. (defvar archive-read-only nil (#$ . -4962)) #@49 *Non-nil if the archive is outside file system. (defvar archive-remote nil (#$ . -5058)) #@40 *Name of local copy of remote archive. (defvar archive-local-name nil (#$ . -5153)) #@42 *Local keymap for archive mode listings. (defvar archive-mode-map nil (#$ . -5243)) #@33 *Column where file names start. (defvar archive-file-name-indent nil (#$ . -5333)) #@47 *Non-nil when alternate information is shown. (defvar archive-alternate-display nil (#$ . -5422)) (byte-code "!#" [make-variable-buffer-local archive-alternate-display put permanent-local t] 4) #@41 *In archive members, points to archive. (defvar archive-superior-buffer nil (#$ . -5630)) (put (quote archive-superior-buffer) (quote permanent-local) t) #@37 *Non-nil in archive member buffers. (defvar archive-subfile-mode nil (#$ . -5790)) (byte-code "!#!4!B#!#\"LJ" [make-variable-buffer-local archive-subfile-mode put permanent-local t boundp buffer-file-type nil current-load-list variable-documentation "*Nil for dos-style text file, non-nil otherwise." set-default] 4) #@43 Negation of `buffer-file-type' which see. (defvar archive-subfile-dos nil (#$ . 6155)) (byte-code "!#" [make-variable-buffer-local archive-subfile-dos put permanent-local t] 4) #@113 Vector of file descriptors. Each descriptor is a vector of [ext-file-name int-file-name case-fiddled mode ...] (defvar archive-files nil (#$ . 6347)) (make-variable-buffer-local (quote archive-files)) #@58 *Non-nil when running under under Lucid Emacs or Xemacs. (defvar archive-lemacs (string-match "\\(Lucid\\|Xemacs\\)" emacs-version) (#$ . -6555)) (defalias 'archive-name #[(suffix) " ! R!" [intern "archive-" symbol-name archive-subtype "-" suffix] 5]) (put (quote archive-name) (quote byte-optimizer) (quote byte-compile-inline-expand)) #@188 Convert little endian string/vector to integer. Alternatively, first argument may be a buffer position in the current buffer in which case a second arguemnt, length, should be supplied. (defalias 'archive-l-e #[(str &optional len) "; G \\{‰ W, T\f\" ZH\\\f*" [str len 0 i result ash 8] 4 (#$ . 6904)]) #@74 Turn an integer like 0700 (i.e., 448) into a mode string like -rwx------ (defalias 'archive-int-to-mode #[(mode) "\"\"! I\"!# I\"!2 I\"!A I\"!P I\"!_ I\"!n I\"!} I\"! I\"! I\"! I\"! \"UނI\"! \"UނI )" [make-string 10 45 str zerop logand 16384 mode 0 100 8192 99 256 1 114 128 2 119 64 3 120 32 4 16 5 8 6 7 9 1024 83 115 2048] 5 (#$ . 7240)]) #@462 From the integer OLDMODE and the string NEWMODE calculate a new file mode. NEWMODE may be an octal number including a leading zero in which case it will become the new mode. NEWMODE may also be a relative specification like "og-rwx" in which case OLDMODE will be modified accordingly just like chmod(2) would have done. If optional third argument ERROR is non-nil an error will be signaled if the mode is invalid. If ERROR is nil then nil will be returned. (defalias 'archive-calc-mode #[(oldmode newmode &optional error) "\n\"6\nG W+\"\n H\\\\ T \"\"+\n\" \nДHɔ ɕW\n HUjւUu؂UڂU܂U\" T)PĕW\nHUUUU(U(!\"U(\"!\"\n(\"\"*T-,!\n\"" [string-match "^0[0-7]*$" newmode 0 1 i len result lsh 3 -48 logior logand oldmode 65024 "^\\([agou]+\\)\\([---+=]\\)\\([rwxst]+\\)$" 2 bits op who rwx 114 292 119 146 120 73 115 3072 116 512 whoc 97 4095 117 1472 103 2104 111 7 whomask 61 lognot 45 error "Invalid mode specification: %s"] 7 (#$ . 7752)]) #@35 Stringify dos packed DATE record. (defalias 'archive-dosdate #[(date) "\n\"\"\\\n\"\"\n\" \n \nV(\nW,΂8 \nSH $+" [logand ash date -9 127 1980 -5 15 31 day month year 12 1 "" format "%2d-%s-%d" ["Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"]] 5 (#$ . 8906)]) #@35 Stringify dos packed TIME record. (defalias 'archive-dostime #[(time) "\n\"\"\n\"\"\n\"_ \n\n $+" [logand ash time -11 31 -5 53 2 second minute hour format "%02d:%02d:%02d"] 5 (#$ . 9227)]) (defalias 'archive-get-lineno #[nil "`Yy`)\"‡" [archive-file-list-start count-lines 0] 3]) #@121 Return the descriptor vector for file at point. Do not signal an error if optional second argument NOERROR is non-nil. (defalias 'archive-get-descr #[(&optional noerror) " `\nY+ GW+ H\f!\f'?'!)4?4!)" [archive-get-lineno no archive-file-list-start archive-files item vectorp noerror error "Entry is not a regular member of the archive" "Line does not describe a member of the archive"] 2 (#$ . 9548)]) #@476 Major mode for viewing an archive file as a dired-like listing of its contents. You can move around using the usual cursor motion commands. Letters no longer insert themselves. Type `e' to pull a file out of the archive and into its own buffer; or click mouse-2 on the file's line in the archive mode buffer. If you edit a sub-file of this archive (as with the `e' command) and save it, the contents of that buffer will be saved back into the archive. \{archive-mode-map} (defalias 'archive-mode #[(&optional force) " U\n\n ?\f? !!  HI !\f! !!\"!!! !?!! \"  P\"%\f!%R!)\"+!*!!!! ։1" [buffer-size 0 default-major-mode force archive-files archive-find-type type copy-sequence symbol-name typename kill-all-local-variables make-local-variable archive-subtype revert-buffer-function archive-mode-revert auto-save-mode local-write-file-hooks add-hook archive-write-file require-final-newline nil enable-local-variables t buffer-file-type archive-read-only file-writable-p buffer-file-name archive-local-name archive-remote string-match archive-remote-regexp archive-mode major-mode "-Archive" mode-name run-hooks "mode-hook" suffix intern "archive-" "-" archive-mode-hook use-local-map archive-mode-map archive-proper-file-start archive-file-list-start archive-file-list-end archive-file-name-indent archive-summarize buffer-read-only] 7 (#$ . 9987)]) (byte-code "#\f \f!\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#\f#5\f#\f#\f;$\f5#5\f@#\fABCB!B#\fDE#ˁFG#\fHI#\fJK#\fLM#\fNO#\fPQCQ!B#\fRS#\fTU#\fVW#\fXY#\fZ[C[!B#\f\\]#F^#\f_`#Fa#\fbc#Fd#\fef#Fg#\fhi#jklmno>kCkmDpkqrpq\"q+" [put archive-mode mode-class special archive-mode-map make-keymap suppress-keymap define-key " " archive-next-line "a" archive-alternate-display "d" archive-flag-deleted "" "e" archive-extract "f" " " "g" revert-buffer "h" describe-mode "m" archive-mark "n" "" [down] "o" archive-extract-other-window "p" archive-previous-line "" [up] "r" archive-rename-entry "u" archive-unflag "" archive-unmark-all-files "v" archive-view "x" archive-expunge "" archive-unflag-backwards "E" "M" archive-chmod-entry "G" archive-chgrp-entry "O" archive-chown-entry archive-lemacs "u" archive-undo "" substitute-key-definition undo global-map button2 [mouse-2] archive-mouse-extract [menu-bar edit] undefined [menu-bar immediate] "Immediate" make-sparse-keymap [menu-bar immediate alternate] ("Alternate Display" . archive-alternate-display) menu-enable (boundp (archive-name "alternate-display")) [menu-bar immediate view] ("View This File" . archive-view) [menu-bar immediate display] ("Display in Other Window" . archive-display-other-window) [menu-bar immediate find-file-other-window] ("Find in Other Window" . archive-extract-other-window) [menu-bar immediate find-file] ("Find This File" . archive-extract) [menu-bar mark] "Mark" [menu-bar mark unmark-all] ("Unmark All" . archive-unmark-all-files) [menu-bar mark deletion] ("Flag" . archive-flag-deleted) [menu-bar mark unmark] ("Unflag" . archive-unflag) [menu-bar mark mark] ("Mark" . archive-mark) [menu-bar operate] "Operate" [menu-bar operate chown] ("Change Owner..." . archive-chown-entry) (fboundp (archive-name "chown-entry")) [menu-bar operate chgrp] ("Change Group..." . archive-chgrp-entry) (fboundp (archive-name "chgrp-entry")) [menu-bar operate chmod] ("Change Mode..." . archive-chmod-entry) (fboundp (archive-name "chmod-entry")) [menu-bar operate rename] ("Rename to..." . archive-rename-entry) (fboundp (archive-name "rename-entry")) [menu-bar operate expunge] ("Expunge Marked Files" . archive-expunge) (archive-subfile-mode " Archive") item1 (archive-subfile-dos " Dos") item2 system-type (ms-dos windows-nt) items minor-mode-alist append] 6) (defalias 'archive-find-type #[nil "~eb!Ă?!Ƃ?!%Ȃ?!<\f4 \"<΂?!)" [nil case-fold-search looking-at "[P]K" zip "..-l[hz][0-9]-" lzh "....................[]" zoo "" string-match "\\.[aA][rR][cC]$" buffer-file-name buffer-name arc error "Buffer format not recognized."] 3]) #@205 Parse the contents of the archive file in the current buffer. Place a dired-like listing on the front; then narrow to it, so that only that listing is visible (and the real data of the buffer is hidden). (defalias 'archive-summarize #[nil "~!p!\n!R!) \f! e`}! )b!" [nil buffer-read-only message "Parsing archive file..." buffer-disable-undo "summarize" suffix intern "archive-" symbol-name archive-subtype "-" archive-files "Parsing archive file...done." point-marker archive-proper-file-start set-buffer-modified-p buffer-enable-undo archive-file-list-start archive-next-line 0] 5 (#$ . 14490)]) #@46 Recreate the contents listing of an archive. (defalias 'archive-resummarize #[nil " ~e| ! b\f!+" [buffer-modified-p archive-get-lineno nil buffer-read-only no modified archive-proper-file-start archive-summarize set-buffer-modified-p archive-file-list-start archive-next-line] 3 (#$ . 15130)]) #@73 Insert a desciption of a list of files annotated with proper mouse face (defalias 'archive-summarize-files #[(files) " \n\n@H\n\"\"c \n" [point-marker archive-file-list-start files 1 0 archive-file-name-indent apply concat mapcar #[(fil) "HP\fHH % )" [fil 0 "\n" text archive-lemacs put-text-property 1 2 mouse-face highlight] 6] archive-file-list-end] 5 (#$ . 15450)]) #@169 Toggle alternative display. To avoid very long lines some archive mode don't show all information. This function changes the set of information shown for each files. (defalias 'archive-alternate-display #[nil "? " [archive-alternate-display archive-resummarize] 1 (#$ . 15863) nil]) (defalias 'archive-maybe-copy #[(archive) "$d\f! \" \"~ d%)) , \f" [archive-remote start expand-file-name file-name-nondirectory archive archive-tmpdir archive-local-name make-directory t write-region nil nomessage buffer-modified-p save-buffer] 6]) (defalias 'archive-maybe-update #[(unchanged) "5  !!!+! 3?!+" [archive-remote archive-local-name buffer-modified-p nil buffer-read-only modified name unchanged erase-buffer insert-file-contents archive-mode t archive-delete-local message "Archive file must be saved for changes to take effect" set-buffer-modified-p] 3]) #@98 Delete (robust) the file NAME and its parents up to and including the value of `archive-tmpdir'. (defalias 'archive-delete-local #[(name) " !!ȏ ,\n!!\n̏\n\f Ɖ*" [t directory-file-name file-name-as-directory archive-tmpdir top again nil (delete-file name) ((error)) file-name-directory name (delete-directory name) ((error))] 5 (#$ . 16798)]) #@41 Extract a file whose name you click on. (defalias 'archive-mouse-extract #[(event) " !Š p)!" [mouse-set-point event switch-to-buffer archive-extract] 2 (#$ . 17176) "e"]) #@73 In archive mode, extract this entry of the archive into its own buffer. (defalias 'archive-extract #[(&optional other-window-p) "= H\fHp \n   !!R!R!)D\n!  ! ! qQ!\f\f!' \n! )!\"\f-./! \" J#2 eb!56! 9 ;==!)@!\nA! &BC&D=E!& F!&G!. " [other-window-p view view-p archive-get-descr descr 0 ename 1 iname archive-buffer default-directory arcdir buffer-file-name archive file-name-nondirectory arcname " (" ")" bufname "extract" suffix intern "archive-" symbol-name archive-subtype "-" extractor archive-read-only read-only-p get-buffer buffer nil just-created archive-maybe-copy get-buffer-create t expand-file-name ":" abbreviate-file-name buffer-file-truename make-local-variable archive-superior-buffer local-write-file-hooks add-hook archive-write-file-member archive-subfile-mode archive-subfile-dos buffer-file-type fboundp archive-*-extract archive-dos-members archive-check-dos rename-buffer buffer-read-only buffer-undo-list set-buffer-modified-p buffer-size buffer-saved-size normal-mode major-mode archive-mode archive-remote run-hooks archive-extract-hooks archive-maybe-update view-buffer kill-buffer view-exit-action display display-buffer switch-to-buffer-other-window switch-to-buffer] 6 (#$ . 17359) nil]) (defalias 'archive-*-extract #[(archive name command) " ! !\n\"\n!\"\f@͉\fA D\"&!!*" [file-name-as-directory archive-tmpdir default-directory expand-file-name file-name-nondirectory name tmpfile make-directory directory-file-name t apply call-process command nil append archive insert-file-contents archive-delete-local] 10]) (defalias 'archive-extract-by-stdout #[(archive name command) "\f@\fAD\"&)" [t binary-process-output apply call-process command nil append archive name] 10]) #@54 In archive mode, find this member in another window. (defalias 'archive-extract-other-window #[nil "!" [archive-extract t] 2 (#$ . 19316) nil]) #@57 In archive mode, display this member in another window. (defalias 'archive-display-other-window #[nil "!" [archive-extract display] 2 (#$ . 19469) nil]) #@48 In archive mode, view the member on this line. (defalias 'archive-view #[nil "!" [archive-extract view] 2 (#$ . 19631) nil]) #@77 Add the file in the current buffer to the archive in ARCBUF naming it NAME. (defalias 'archive-add-new-member #[(arcbuf name) "q =! !)p=!!ɘ,!q\f!\fR!*p!\\q#)_!*" [arcbuf major-mode archive-mode error "Buffer is not an archive buffer" archive-read-only "Archive is read-only" "An archive buffer cannot be added to itself" name "" "Archive members may not be given empty names" "add-new-member" suffix intern "archive-" symbol-name archive-subtype "-" membuf func fboundp buffer-file-name "Adding a new member is not supported for this archive type"] 5 (#$ . 19765) (list (get-buffer (read-buffer "Buffer containing archive: " (let ((bufs (buffer-list))) (while (and bufs (not (eq (save-excursion (set-buffer (car bufs)) major-mode) (quote archive-mode)))) (setq bufs (cdr bufs))) (if bufs (car bufs) (error "There are no archive buffers"))) t)) (read-string "File name in archive: " (if buffer-file-name (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) "")))]) #@110 *If this looks like a buffer with ^M^J as line terminator then remove those ^Ms and set archive-subfile-dos. (defalias 'archive-check-dos #[(&optional force) "~eb#?? < p!eb#4!% !)*" [force search-forward-regexp "[^ ]\n" nil t archive-subfile-dos buffer-file-type buffer-modified-p modified buffer-disable-undo search-forward " \n" replace-match "\n" buffer-enable-undo set-buffer-modified-p] 5 (#$ . -20792)]) (defalias 'archive-write-file-member #[nil "+~eb Î# !\n ,ć!~q!R!*q )!e\"oJ#*!!q *ć" [archive-subfile-dos buffer-undo-list undo-list ((byte-code "!\n" [archive-check-dos t undo-list buffer-undo-list] 2)) t search-forward "\n" nil replace-match " \n" buffer-file-type archive-write-file-member message "Updating archive..." archive-superior-buffer "write-file-member" suffix intern "archive-" symbol-name archive-subtype "-" buffer-file-name archive writer fboundp archive-subfile-mode archive-*-write-file-member set-buffer-modified-p "Updating archive...done" revert-buffer] 5]) (defalias 'archive-*-write-file-member #[(archive descr command) "H\n\f\"\f!!! ʎ !\"ed %H7 H\"\"@ωA\nD\"&?X\"." [descr 0 ename expand-file-name archive-tmpdir tmpfile directory-file-name file-name-as-directory top default-directory ((archive-delete-local tmpfile)) make-directory file-name-directory t write-region nil nomessage 3 set-file-modes logior 256 apply call-process command append archive exitcode error "Updating was unsuccessful (%S)"] 11]) (defalias 'archive-write-file #[nil " d\n%!)ć" [write-region archive-proper-file-start buffer-file-name nil t set-buffer-modified-p] 6]) #@113 In archive mode, mark this member to be deleted from the archive. With a prefix argument, mark that many files. (defalias 'archive-flag-deleted #[(p &optional type) "y YĂ  \n U=!0!c\ny \nZ !+!" [type 68 0 p 1 -1 buffer-modified-p nil buffer-read-only modified sign archive-get-descr t delete-char set-buffer-modified-p archive-next-line] 4 (#$ . 22585) "p"]) #@126 In archive mode, un-mark this member if it is marked to be deleted. With a prefix argument, un-mark that many files forward. (defalias 'archive-unflag #[(p) " \"" [archive-flag-deleted p 32] 3 (#$ . 22999) "p"]) #@129 In archive mode, un-mark this member if it is marked to be deleted. With a prefix argument, un-mark that many members backward. (defalias 'archive-unflag-backwards #[(p) " [\"" [archive-flag-deleted p 32] 3 (#$ . 23221) "p"]) #@19 Remove all marks. (defalias 'archive-unmark-all-files #[nil " \fb` W\"gU!cy ) !*" [buffer-modified-p nil buffer-read-only modified archive-file-list-start archive-file-list-end 32 delete-char 1 set-buffer-modified-p] 2 (#$ . 23456) nil]) #@158 In archive mode, mark this member for group operations. With a prefix argument, mark that many members. Use \[archive-unmark-all-files] to remove all marks. (defalias 'archive-mark #[(p) " \"" [archive-flag-deleted p 42] 3 (#$ . 23724) "p"]) (defalias 'archive-get-marked #[(mark &optional default) "\nb` Wg\fU By) ++ C)" [nil files archive-file-list-start archive-file-list-end mark archive-get-descr 1 default] 2]) (defalias 'archive-next-line #[(p) "ym u" [p archive-file-name-indent] 1 nil "p"]) (defalias 'archive-previous-line #[(p) " [!" [archive-next-line p] 2 nil "p"]) #@205 Change the protection bits associated with all marked or this member in the archive. The new protection bits can either be specified as an octal number or as a relative change like "g+rw" as for chmod(2) (defalias 'archive-chmod-entry #[(new-mode) "!!\fR!)\n\n!-\n\f\"\" 0!)" [archive-read-only error "Archive is read-only" "chmod-entry" suffix intern "archive-" symbol-name archive-subtype "-" func fboundp new-mode archive-get-marked 42 t archive-resummarize "Setting mode bits is not supported for this archive type"] 5 (#$ . 24348) "sNew mode (octal or relative): "]) #@48 Change the owner of all marked or this member. (defalias 'archive-chown-entry #[(new-uid) "!!\fR!)\n\n!-\n\f\"\" 0!)" [archive-read-only error "Archive is read-only" "chown-entry" suffix intern "archive-" symbol-name archive-subtype "-" func fboundp new-uid archive-get-marked 42 t archive-resummarize "Setting owner is not supported for this archive type"] 5 (#$ . 24958) "nNew uid: "]) #@48 Change the group of all marked or this member. (defalias 'archive-chgrp-entry #[(new-gid) "!!\fR!)\n\n!-\n\f\"\" 0!)" [archive-read-only error "Archive is read-only" "chgrp-entry" suffix intern "archive-" symbol-name archive-subtype "-" func fboundp new-gid archive-get-marked 42 t archive-resummarize "Setting group is not supported for this archive type"] 5 (#$ . 25384) "nNew gid: "]) #@27 Do the flagged deletions. (defalias 'archive-expunge #[nil "\nb` WgU H By) 2! G A@΂A#!L! !!R!)!t \"} J#! *)" [nil files archive-file-list-start archive-file-list-end 68 archive-get-descr 0 1 archive-read-only error "Archive is read-only" yes-or-no-p format "Really delete %d member%s? " "" "s" "Operation aborted" archive-maybe-copy buffer-file-name "expunge" suffix intern "archive-" symbol-name archive-subtype "-" expunger archive fboundp archive-*-expunge archive-maybe-update archive-remote archive-resummarize revert-buffer] 7 (#$ . 25810) nil]) (defalias 'archive-*-expunge #[(archive files command) "\n@É\nA B\"&" [apply call-process command nil append archive files] 10]) #@61 Change the name associated with this entry in the tar file. (defalias 'archive-rename-entry #[(newname) "! Ę! !R!) !< # ?!*" [archive-read-only error "Archive is read-only" newname "" "Archive members may not be given empty names" "rename-entry" suffix intern "archive-" symbol-name archive-subtype "-" archive-get-descr descr func fboundp buffer-file-name archive-resummarize "Renaming is not supported for this archive type"] 5 (#$ . 26605) "sNew name: "]) (defalias 'archive-mode-revert #[(&optional no-autosave no-confirm) " Ɖ\") b !)" [archive-get-lineno no nil archive-files revert-buffer-function revert-buffer t archive-mode archive-file-list-start archive-next-line] 3]) #@106 Undo in an archive buffer. This doesn't recover lost files, it just undoes changes in the buffer itself. (defalias 'archive-undo #[nil " )" [nil buffer-read-only undo] 1 (#$ . 27355) nil]) (defalias 'archive-arc-summarize #[nil "É\\dWfUTfV\\\\{  \"; O\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"z|!!%\"]\\\"GGZ\"G#\fBS% B\\\\.\n eb\"Q((\f!( G GU$) \"-" [1 0 8 nil visual files maxlen totalsize p 29 26 2 15 namefld string-match "" 13 fnlen efnname archive-l-e 4 csize 19 moddate 21 modtime 25 ucsize fiddle ifnname format " %8d %-11s %-8s %s" archive-dosdate archive-dostime text vector "- -------- ----------- -------- " make-string 45 "\n" dash "M Length Date Time File\n" archive-summarize-files " %8d %d file%s" "" "s" apply] 8]) (defalias 'archive-arc-rename-entry #[(archive newname descr) "\n\" !\nGV!\n\nGOP \n~ \fH\\\\b!\nc," [string-match "[:\\\\/]" newname error "File names in arc files may not contain a path" 12 "File names in arc files are limited to 12 characters" "" nil buffer-read-only name archive-proper-file-start descr 4 2 delete-char 13] 4]) (defalias 'archive-lzh-summarize #[nil "Éb!6f \\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"\\f\\\\\\{eg\\\\ ZY\\fU\\\"\"\"!%U\\\"'U\\\")*')%%!!&1]\\1GGZ1G#\fB\"S% B \\\\\\. eb*BC\"Q*ST*]^<=>=>\f!>< G GU@A$+B \"-" [1 0 8 nil visual files maxlen totalsize p looking-at "..-l[hz][0-9]-" hsize archive-l-e 7 4 csize 11 ucsize 15 2 modtime 17 moddate 21 fnlen 22 efnname fiddle ifnname p2 24 creator 85 438 mode archive-int-to-mode "??????????" modestr 10 uid 12 gid archive-alternate-display format " %8d %5S %5S %s" "?" " %10s %8d %-11s %-8s %s" archive-dosdate archive-dostime text vector "- -------- ----- ----- " "- ---------- -------- ----------- -------- " make-string 45 "\n" "M Length Uid Gid File\n" "M Filemode Length Date Time File\n" " %8d %d file%s" " %8d %d file%s" sumline header dash archive-summarize-files "" "s" apply] 8]) (byte-code "\nB" [t archive-lzh-alternate-display current-load-list] 2) (defalias 'archive-lzh-extract #[(archive name) " \n #" [archive-extract-by-stdout archive name archive-lzh-extract] 4]) (defalias 'archive-lzh-resum #[(p count) "\nV\nS f\\ T \")" [0 sum count p logand 255] 3]) (defalias 'archive-lzh-rename-entry #[(archive newname descr) "~ H\\f \\fG\f[\\\\   V0! \\bT! b!  \"." [archive-proper-file-start descr 4 p oldhsize 21 oldfnlen newname newfnlen newhsize nil buffer-read-only 255 error "The file name is too long" delete-char 2 archive-lzh-resum] 5]) (defalias 'archive-lzh-ogm #[(newval files errtxt ofs) "~@\n H\\f\f\\f\f\\\\ ZY3 \\f4  U}S \\\"! \\b!\"\"\fTb!\fT \"c H#.A*" [files fil archive-proper-file-start 4 p hsize 21 fnlen 22 p2 24 2 0 creator nil buffer-read-only 85 newval archive-l-e ofs delete-char logand 255 lsh -8 1 archive-lzh-resum message "Member %s does not have %s field" errtxt] 5]) (defalias 'archive-lzh-chown-entry #[(newuid files) " \n$" [archive-lzh-ogm newuid files "an uid" 10] 5]) (defalias 'archive-lzh-chgrp-entry #[(newgid files) " \n$" [archive-lzh-ogm newgid files "a gid" 12] 5]) (defalias 'archive-lzh-chmod-entry #[(newmode files) "\n$" [archive-lzh-ogm #[(old) " \n#" [archive-calc-mode old newmode t] 4] files "a unix-style mode" 8] 5]) (defalias 'archive-zip-summarize #[nil "dZb!`\\\"Tlj \n \f\f\\{͘^\f\\f\f\\\"\f\\\"\f\\\"\f\\\"\f\\\"\f\\\"\f\\\"\f\\\" \f\\\f\\\\{\"U\"!%>\f\\\">%ꂸ\f\\f\"U#lj00!34>??6\"\"73!!7&< ] \n\\\nI\f\\b!\f\"\f\"t>p\f\\b`f\"\f\"\"\"\"c!t!.A*" [files fil archive-proper-file-start 4 p 5 creator 3 oldmode archive-calc-mode newmode t newval nil buffer-read-only (2 3) 40 delete-char 2 logand 255 lsh -8 (0 5 6 7 10 11) 38 logior 254 logxor -7 1 message "Don't know how to change mode for this member"] 8]) (defalias 'archive-zoo-summarize #[nil "\"Tʼn \n\n\\{˘\n\\\"V\n\\\"T \n\\\"\n\\\"\n\\\"\n\\\n\\{\"cO}!!%# ] \\#GGZ#G#B\nS%B \n.\neb \"Q))!)GGU$)\"-" [archive-l-e 25 4 8 0 nil visual files totalsize maxlen p "ܧ" 6 next 14 2 moddate 16 modtime 20 ucsize 38 51 namefld string-match "" 13 fnlen efnname fiddle ifnname format " %8d %-11s %-8s %s" archive-dosdate archive-dostime text vector "- -------- ----------- -------- " make-string 45 "\n" dash "M Length Date Time File\n" archive-summarize-files " %8d %d file%s" 1 "" "s" apply] 8]) (defalias 'archive-zoo-extract #[(archive name) " \n #" [archive-extract-by-stdout archive name archive-zoo-extract] 4]) (provide (quote archive-mode))