;ELC ;;; compiled by kwzh@hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu on Tue May 2 20:13:19 1995 ;;; from file /gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/autoload.el ;;; emacs version ;;; bytecomp version FSF 2.10 ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "`/gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/autoload.el' was compiled for Emacs 19")) #@120 Turn FORM, a defun or defmacro, into an autoload for source file FILE. Returns nil if FORM is not a defun or defmacro. (defalias 'make-autoload #[(form file) ">F =ĉA@AA@;,A.D\n @=CD+)" [form car (defun defmacro) defmacro nil doc name macrop autoload quote file interactive macro] 8 (#$ . 486)]) #@447 Magic comment indicating the following form should be autoloaded. Used by \[update-file-autoloads]. This string should be meaningless to Lisp (e.g., a comment). This string is used: ;;;###autoload (defun function-to-be-autoloaded () ...) If this string appears alone on a line, the following form will be read and an autoload made for it. If there is further text on the line, that text will be copied verbatim to `generated-autoload-file'. (defconst generate-autoload-cookie ";;;###autoload" (#$ . 837)) #@82 String inserted before the form identifying the section of autoloads for a file. (defconst generate-autoload-section-header "\f\n;;;### " (#$ . 1353)) #@72 String which indicates the end of the section of autoloads for a file. (defconst generate-autoload-section-trailer "\n;;;***\n" (#$ . 1510)) (byte-code "#####" [put autoload doc-string-elt 3 defun defvar defconst defmacro] 4) (defalias 'autoload-trim-file-name #[(file) " ! \f!\"" [expand-file-name file file-relative-name file-name-directory generated-autoload-file] 4]) #@237 Insert at point a loaddefs autoload section for FILE. autoloads are generated for defuns and defmacros in FILE marked by `generate-autoload-cookie' (which see). If FILE is being visited in a buffer, the contents of the buffer are used. (defalias 'generate-file-autoloads #[(file) "p\n! \" ƉO )\n! \n \f \n!\n!!!GGWaOaO+\n\"ێ\n!q~ebmw !!x !w lep!ny%%\"'%N('%A@B%'(V('8;V(S')A*)\"-'\")\"q`)1*@!O\"q1#*uc**A:\"M\"*A!O\"!+a-'\")+v`1y1`{\")v!yv!yv, ;c\n!@\n!8\"!A\n!B` W`C`CZDVفE!FG! b)y bHcفI\n\". " [nil file-name-nondirectory file name string-match "\\.elc?$" 0 t get-file-buffer output-end visited done-any float-output-format print-readably print-length load-name autoloads-done outbuf expand-file-name file-truename source-truename file-name-as-directory default-directory dir-truename len message "Generating autoloads for %s..." ((byte-code "p!\nq " [visited kill-buffer outbuf point-marker output-end] 2)) find-file-noselect " \n\f" looking-at regexp-quote generate-autoload-cookie search-forward " " read 1 form make-autoload autoload doc-string-elt p elt princ "\n(" print-escape-newlines mapcar #[(elt) " \n\"\n\"" [prin1 elt outbuf princ " "] 3] "\"\\\n" begin prin1-to-string search-backward "\\" ")" " " terpri print ";" forward-sexp generate-autoload-section-header prin1 autoloads autoload-trim-file-name 5 file-attributes ";;; Generated autoloads from " "\n" beg 900 "A line is too long--over 900 characters" sleep-for 2 generate-autoload-section-trailer "Generating autoloads for %s...done"] 10 (#$ . 1919) "fGenerate autoloads for file: "]) #@149 *File \[update-file-autoloads] puts autoloads into. A .el file can set this in its local variables section to make its autoloads go somewhere else. (defconst generated-autoload-file "loaddefs.el" (#$ . -3826)) #@108 Update the autoloads for FILE in `generated-autoload-file' (which FILE might bind in its local variables). (defalias 'update-file-autoloads #[(file) " !\n\"\nʼnO\n) ! \n !q\f!q~eb #я8\nŔ8 !8m!<GU@@V@@UA@A@Y \" !`| +\n8Ŕb )2 = = !q~eb!P#Ƃt \"* !*t ?\" !\"!," [file-name-nondirectory file name string-match "\\.elc?$" 0 nil get-file-buffer existing-buffer found load-name find-file-noselect generated-autoload-file search-forward generate-autoload-section-header t (byte-code "p!" [read] 2) ((end-of-file)) form 2 4 5 file-attributes file-time last-time begin buffer-modified-p message "Autoload section for %s is up to date." up-to-date generate-autoload-section-trailer new "\n" generate-autoload-cookie " has no autoloads" generate-file-autoloads save-buffer kill-buffer] 5 (#$ . 4043) "fUpdate autoloads for file: "]) #@78 Update sections of the current buffer generated by \[update-file-autoloads]. (defalias 'update-autoloads-here #[nil " eb #iǏ8\n;.\n!F\n!F8\n#!@łDҏ\n\nZӔ!`|)\n;e\n!**" [buffer-file-name generated-autoload-file search-forward generate-autoload-section-header nil t (byte-code "p!" [read] 2) ((end-of-file)) form 3 file get-file-buffer file-exists-p y-or-n-p format "Can't find library `%s'; remove its autoloads? " 2 (byte-code "\f8\"ʼn$" [read-file-name format "Find `%s' load file: " 2 form nil t] 5) ((quit)) 0 begin generate-autoload-section-trailer generate-file-autoloads] 6 (#$ . 5069) nil]) #@55 Run \[update-file-autoloads] on each .el file in DIR. (defalias 'update-directory-autoloads #[(dir) " #\")t !q )" [nil enable-local-eval mapcar update-file-autoloads directory-files dir t "^[^=].*\\.el$" find-file-noselect generated-autoload-file save-buffer] 6 (#$ . 5747) "DUpdate autoloads for directory: "]) #@357 Update the autoloads for the files or directories on the command line. Runs \[update-file-autoloads] on files and \[update-directory-autoloads] on directories. Must be used only with -batch, and kills Emacs on completion. Each file will be processed even if an error occurred previously. For example, invoke `emacs -batch -f batch-update-autoloads *.el'. (defalias 'batch-update-autoloads #[nil "!\f\n\"\fY@!!I@#E\f@!A5)P\f@!A)!!lւm!+" [noninteractive error "batch-update-autoloads is to be used only with -batch" nil command-line-args-left enable-local-eval args lost message "Updating autoloads in %s..." generated-autoload-file #[(file) "" [lossage (update-file-autoloads file) ((error (byte-code "!\n!!!\" !!ʉ " [princ ">>Error processing " file ": " fboundp display-error lossage nil prin1 "\n" t lost] 3)))] 3] frob file-directory-p expand-file-name directory-files t "\\.el$" rest save-some-buffers "Done" kill-emacs 1 0] 5 (#$ . 6083)]) (provide (quote autoload))