;ELC ;;; compiled by kwzh@hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu on Tue May 2 20:21:04 1995 ;;; from file /gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/diff.el ;;; emacs version ;;; bytecomp version FSF 2.10 ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "`/gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/diff.el' was compiled for Emacs 19")) (require (quote compile)) #@75 *A string or list of strings specifying switches to be be passed to diff. (defvar diff-switches "-c" (#$ . -503)) #@34 *The command to use to run diff. (defvar diff-command "diff" (#$ . -623)) #@327 Alist (REGEXP OLD-IDX NEW-IDX) of regular expressions to match difference sections in \[diff] output. If REGEXP matches, the OLD-IDX'th subexpression gives the line number in the old file, and NEW-IDX'th subexpression gives the line number in the new file. If OLD-IDX or NEW-IDX is nil, REGEXP matches only half a section. (defvar diff-regexp-alist (quote (("^@@ -\\([0-9]+\\),[0-9]+ \\+\\([0-9]+\\),[0-9]+ @@$" 1 2) ("^\\*\\*\\* \\([0-9]+\\),[0-9]+ \\*\\*\\*\\*$" 1 nil) ("^--- \\([0-9]+\\),[0-9]+ ----$" nil 1) ("^\\([0-9]+\\)\\(,[0-9]+\\)?[adc]\\([0-9]+\\)\\(,[0-9]+\\)?$" 1 3) ("^\\([0-9]+\\)\\(,[0-9]+\\)?[adc]$" 1) ("^[adc]\\([0-9]+\\)\\( [0-9]+\\)?$" 1))) (#$ . 704)) #@61 This is the old file name in the comparison in this buffer. (defvar diff-old-file nil (#$ . 1388)) #@61 This is the new file name in the comparison in this buffer. (defvar diff-new-file nil (#$ . 1493)) #@68 This is the name of a temp file to be deleted after diff finishes. (defvar diff-old-temp-file nil (#$ . 1598)) #@68 This is the name of a temp file to be deleted after diff finishes. (defvar diff-new-temp-file nil (#$ . 1715)) (defalias 'diff-parse-differences #[(limit-search find-at-least) "ÀÂÃ!ˆ\fƒ \fbˆÅÆÈ#É\nËÌ\")ÍÀÎÀ„žÕÀÖ#ƒž‰ƒS@@”„SA‰„B@‰A@ƒhA@\"ˆØ8ƒyØ8\"ˆTƒ‹Y„—ƒ,`Yƒ,Ö‰ƒ1ƒ¨`‚ªdÂÜ!ˆ. Ÿ‰‡" [nil compilation-error-list message "Parsing differences..." compilation-parsing-end mapconcat #[(elt) "À @ÂQ‡" ["\\(" elt "\\)"] 3] diff-regexp-alist "\\|" 1 subexpr mapcar #[(elt) "Á A\"BÄ @!Å\\\\‡" [subexpr mapcar #[(n) "… \\‡" [n subexpr] 2] elt count-regexp-groupings 1] 4] #[(file subexpr) "Š”bˆÁyˆÂ )Ô•{!ŠÅ ÇŽÈ !qˆ*ŠÊ\f!ˆÂ +B B‰ ‡" [subexpr 0 point-marker string-to-int line match-data match-data ((store-match-data match-data)) find-file-noselect file goto-line compilation-error-list] 4] 0 g num-loci-found found-desired new-error groups regexp re-search-forward t diff-old-file 2 diff-new-file find-at-least limit-search "Parsing differences...done"] 7]) #@222 Find and display the differences between OLD and NEW files. Interactively the current buffer's file name is the default for NEW and a backup file for NEW is the default for OLD. With prefix arg, prompt for diff switches. (defalias 'diff #[(old new &optional switches) "À !À\n!Ã\n!à !ÄÄŽÈÉÊ C\fƒ2\f:ƒ,\f‚@\fC‚@ :ƒ= ‚@ C„J…OÎ\nÎ FφV\n!Cφ_ !C%Ð#ÒÓÔÕ$Ö !ˆ×Ø!\nLˆ×Ù! Lˆ×Ú!Lˆ×Û!Lˆ×Ü!ÝLˆ -‡" [expand-file-name new old file-local-copy nil buf new-alt old-alt mapconcat identity append diff-command switches diff-switches "-L" shell-quote-argument " " command compile-internal "No more differences" "Diff" diff-parse-differences pop-to-buffer make-local-variable diff-old-file diff-new-file diff-old-temp-file diff-new-temp-file compilation-finish-function #[(buff msg) "ƒÁ!ˆ\n…Á\n!‡" [diff-old-temp-file delete-file diff-new-temp-file] 2]] 9 (#$ . 2771) (byte-code "À‰à ‰ƒÄ !ƒÅÆÇ !ÈQÀ É$‚%ÅÊÀ‰É$‰Ë !‰ƒEÄ\n!ƒEÅÌÇ\n!ÈQÍ\n!\nÉ$‚MÅÎÍ !ÀÉ$‰DŸ*…lÐÑ;ƒd‚jÓÔÕ#\"C¤‡" [nil newf oldf buffer-file-name file-exists-p read-file-name "Diff new file: (" file-name-nondirectory ") " t "Diff new file: " file-newest-backup "Diff original file: (" file-name-directory "Diff original file: " current-prefix-arg read-string "Diff switches: " diff-switches mapconcat identity " "] 8)]) #@220 Diff this file with its backup file or vice versa. Uses the latest backup, if there are several numerical backups. If this file is a backup, diff it with its original. The backup file is the first file given to `diff'. (defalias 'diff-backup #[(file &optional switches) "À‰Ã\f!ƒ\fÅ\f!‚ Æ\f!†ÇÈ\f\"\fÉ\n \n#*‡" [nil ori bak backup-file-name-p file file-name-sans-versions diff-latest-backup-file error "No backup found for %s" diff switches] 4 (#$ . 4109) (list (read-file-name "Diff (file with backup): ") (if current-prefix-arg (read-string "Diff switches: " (if (stringp diff-switches) diff-switches (mapconcat (quote identity) diff-switches " "))) nil))]) #@52 Return the latest existing backup of FILE, or nil. (defalias 'diff-latest-backup-file #[(fn) "À Â\"‰ƒ  \"‚PÄÅ !!Æ !È!…$)†PÉ !@\nË\n!\fÍÎ\n!!ÏP‰G\fÒÓ\f\"Ô\"@P,)‡" [find-file-name-handler fn diff-latest-backup-file handler file-chase-links expand-file-name make-backup-file-name bak file-exists-p find-backup-file-name backupname file-name-directory dir file-name-sans-versions file-name-nondirectory ".~" base-versions bv-length sort file-name-all-completions #[(fn1 fn2) "À !À\n!V‡" [backup-extract-version fn1 fn2] 3]] 6 (#$ . 4786)]) (provide (quote diff))