;ELC ;;; compiled by kwzh@hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu on Mon Apr 17 19:44:56 1995 ;;; from file /gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/levents.el ;;; emacs version ;;; bytecomp version FSF 2.10 ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "`/gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/levents.el' was compiled for Emacs 19")) (defalias 'next-command-event #[(event) "ÀÁ!‡" [error "You must rewrite to use `read-command-event' instead of `next-command-event'"] 2]) (defalias 'next-event #[(event) "ÀÁ!‡" [error "You must rewrite to use `read-event' instead of `next-event'"] 2]) (defalias 'dispatch-event #[(event) "ÀÁ!‡" [error "`dispatch-event' not supported"] 2]) (byte-code "À ÂÃ#ˆÀ ÄÃ#ˆÀ ÅÃ#‡" [define-key global-map [menu] execute-eval-event [timeout] [eval]] 4) (defalias 'execute-eval-event #[(event) "A@Á8!‡" [event 2] 3 nil "e"]) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃ#ˆÀÄÂÅ#ˆÀÆÂÇ#‡" [put eval event-symbol-elements (eval) menu (eval) timeout (eval)] 4) #@42 True if the argument is an event object. (defalias 'eventp #[(obj) "¨†9ƒÁN†:…@9…@ÁN‡" [obj event-symbol-elements] 2 (#$ . 1100)]) (put (quote eventp) (quote byte-optimizer) (quote byte-compile-inline-expand)) #@70 Returns an empty event structure. In this emulation, it returns nil. (defalias 'allocate-event #[nil "À‡" [nil] 1 (#$ . 1331)]) #@60 True if the argument is a mouse-button-press event object. (defalias 'button-press-event-p #[(obj) ":…@9…Á@ÂN>‡" [obj down event-symbol-elements] 3 (#$ . 1465)]) #@62 True if the argument is a mouse-button-release event object. (defalias 'button-release-event-p #[(obj) ":…@9…Á@ÂN>†Ã@ÂN>‡" [obj click event-symbol-elements drag] 3 (#$ . 1640)]) #@497 Converts a numeric ASCII value to an event structure, replete with bucky bits. The character is the first argument, and the event to fill in is the second. This function contains knowledge about what the codes mean -- for example, the number 9 is converted to the character Tab, not the distinct character Control-I. Beware that character-to-event and event-to-character are not strictly inverse functions, since events contain much more information than the ASCII character set can encode. (defalias 'character-to-event #[(ch &optional event) "‡" [ch] 1 (#$ . 1835)]) #@99 Make a copy of the given event object. In this emulation, `copy-event' just returns its argument. (defalias 'copy-event #[(event1 &optional event2) "‡" [event1] 1 (#$ . 2416)]) #@472 Allow the given event structure to be reused. In actual Lucid Emacs, you MUST NOT use this event object after calling this function with it. You will lose. It is not necessary to call this function, as event objects are garbage- collected like all other objects; however, it may be more efficient to explicitly deallocate events when you are sure that that is safe. This emulation does not actually deallocate or reuse events except via garbage collection and `cons'. (defalias 'deallocate-event #[(event) "À‡" [nil] 1 (#$ . 2601)]) #@102 Add an eval event to the back of the queue. It will be the next event read after all pending events. (defalias 'enqueue-eval-event: #[(function object) "Á\n EC¤‰‡" [unread-command-events eval function object] 4 (#$ . 3144)]) #@55 True if the argument is an eval or menu event object. (defalias 'eval-event-p #[(obj) "¢Á=‡" [obj eval] 2 (#$ . 3377)]) #@65 Return the button-number of the given mouse-button-press event. (defalias 'event-button #[(event) "@ÁN@‰ÞA)‡" [event event-symbol-elements sym ((mouse-1 . 1) (mouse-2 . 2) (mouse-3 . 3) (mouse-4 . 4) (mouse-5 . 5))] 3 (#$ . 3504)]) #@73 Return the callback function of the given timeout, menu, or eval event. (defalias 'event-function #[(event) "A@‡" [event] 1 (#$ . 3745)]) #@121 Returns the KeySym of the given key-press event. The value is an ASCII printing character (not upper case) or a symbol. (defalias 'event-key #[(event) "9ƒ\nÁN@‡ÂÃÄÅ\"S\"‰ÇWƒ\"ÈÉ\"‚$—)‡" [event event-symbol-elements logand lsh 1 18 base 32 logior 64] 6 (#$ . 3891)]) #@74 Returns the function argument of the given timeout, menu, or eval event. (defalias 'event-object #[(event) "À 8‡" [2 event] 2 (#$ . 4175)]) #@238 Returns the character position of the given mouse-related event. If the event did not occur over a window, or did not occur over text, then this returns nil. Otherwise, it returns an index into the buffer visible in the event's window. (defalias 'event-point #[(event) "Á8:ƒ Á‚Â8)‰A@:ƒ A@@‚# A@)‡" [event 2 1 position] 3 (#$ . 4322)]) #@56 Returns the process of the given process-output event. (defalias 'event-process #[(event) "A@‡" [event] 1 (#$ . 4675)]) #@164 Returns the timestamp of the given event object. In Lucid Emacs, this works for any kind of event. In this emulation, it returns nil for non-mouse-related events. (defalias 'event-timestamp #[(event) "<…Á8:ƒÁ‚Â8)Ä 8)‡" [event 2 1 position 3] 2 (#$ . 4803)]) #@535 Returns the closest ASCII approximation to the given event object. If the event isn't a keypress, this returns nil. If the second argument is non-nil, then this is lenient in its translation; it will ignore modifier keys other than control and meta, and will ignore the shift modifier on those characters which have no shifted ASCII equivalent (Control-Shift-A for example, will be mapped to the same ASCII code as Control-A.) If the second arg is nil, then nil will be returned for events which have no direct ASCII equivalent. (defalias 'event-to-character #[(event &optional lenient) "9ƒ …žA‡¨…‡" [event lenient ((backspace . 8) (delete . 127) (tab . 9) (return . 10) (enter . 10))] 2 (#$ . 5080)]) #@61 Returns the window of the given mouse-related event object. (defalias 'event-window #[(event) "Á8:ƒ Á‚Â8)‰@)‡" [event 2 1 position] 3 (#$ . 5804)]) #@72 Returns the X position in characters of the given mouse-related event. (defalias 'event-x #[(event) "À  8:ƒ‚à 8)!@ÄÅÆ !!!¥‡" [posn-col-row event 2 1 frame-char-width window-frame event-window] 5 (#$ . 5966)]) #@68 Returns the X position in pixels of the given mouse-related event. (defalias 'event-x-pixel #[(event) "À  8:ƒ‚à 8)!@‡" [posn-col-row event 2 1] 3 (#$ . 6188)]) #@72 Returns the Y position in characters of the given mouse-related event. (defalias 'event-y #[(event) "À  8:ƒ‚à 8)!AÄÅÆ !!!¥‡" [posn-col-row event 2 1 frame-char-height window-frame event-window] 5 (#$ . 6361)]) #@68 Returns the Y position in pixels of the given mouse-related event. (defalias 'event-y-pixel #[(event) "À  8:ƒ‚à 8)!A‡" [posn-col-row event 2 1] 3 (#$ . 6584)]) #@50 True if the argument is a keyboard event object. (defalias 'key-press-event-p #[(obj) "¨† 9… ÁN‡" [obj event-symbol-elements] 2 (#$ . 6757)]) #@46 True if the argument is a menu event object. (defalias 'menu-event-p #[(obj) "¢Á=‡" [obj menu] 2 (#$ . 6910)]) #@54 True if the argument is a mouse-motion event object. (defalias 'motion-event-p #[(obj) "¢Á=‡" [obj mouse-movement] 2 (#$ . 7028)]) #@225 Return the next keyboard or mouse event; execute other events. This is similar to the function `next-command-event' of Lucid Emacs, but different in that it returns the event rather than filling in an existing event object. (defalias 'read-command-event #[nil "À à !„CÄ !„CÅ !„CÆ !„C ¢‰È=ƒ2 A@É 8!ˆ‚?Ê=ƒ?Ë A@!ˆ)‚ )‡" [nil event read-event key-press-event-p button-press-event-p button-release-event-p menu-event-p type eval 2 switch-frame select-frame] 4 (#$ . 7167)]) #@120 True if the argument is a process-output event object. GNU Emacs 19 does not currently generate process-output events. (defalias 'process-event-p #[(obj) "¢Á=‡" [obj process] 2 (#$ . 7659)]) #@106 True if the argument is a timeout event object. GNU Emacs 19 does not currently generate timeout events. (defalias 'timeout-event-p #[(obj) "¢Á=‡" [obj timeout] 2 (#$ . 7858)])