# Unfortunately, order does matter in this file # The correct order for inserting configurations is: # 1. Colors # 2. Assorted configuration paramters such as ClickToFocus, or MWMBorders # 3. Path setup (ModulePath, PixmapPath, IconPath) # 4. Style settings, including the default style Style "*" ... # 5. InitFunction and ResetFunction definitions. # 6. Other Functions. Functions cannot be forward referenced from # other functions, but they can be backward referenced. # 7. Menus definitions. Same caveats about forward referencing # 8. Key and Mouse Bindings. # 9. Module options. # The order of steps 5, 6, and 7 is not critical, as long as there are # no forward references to functions or menus. # If you get it wrong, the most common problem is that color or font settings # are ignored ############################################################################# # # Here's nation@rocket.sanders.lockheed.com's MWM like configuration, # with several changes to make it more 4Dwm like by # tabaer@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu. Perhaps some mwm fans can # fix this up a little, and mail the changes to: # # nation@rocket.sanders.lockheed.com # # (This is actually a set of bug reports masquerading as a sample config) # # WARNING: This is as much my personal preference as anything else. # The button and menu layout is based on my experiences with SGI # machines at Ohio State and NASA-Lewis, so your mileage may vary... # --tabaer@magnus # ########################################################################### # set up the colors # # this is used for non-selected windows, menus, and the panner # 4Dwm is an mwm derivative, so this should look as "mwm" as possible # without sacrificing any of the functionality I like. --tabaer@magnus MWMButtons MWMDecorHints MWMFunctionHints MWMMenus # User window placement became erratic with fvwm v1.16 -- sometimes # you place the window, other times the WM places it automatically # (usually at the top left of the screen). In particular, I've found # the following programs always autoplace themselves now: # emacs 18.59 # all of the "GREAT" utilities (gfm, cmdframe, etc.) # Mosaic 2.0 # ups # mpeg_play # xspread 7.0 # xv (Control window) # --tabaer@magnus # #RandomPlacement #SmartPlacement # SGI-ish button bar using GoodStuff ModulePath /usr/X11/lib/X11/fvwm:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/local/bin *GoodStuffGeometry 70x181+5+5 *GoodStuffColumns 1 *GoodStuffFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-o-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *GoodStuffFore Black *GoodStuffBack LightGray # A minor complaint about the GoodStuff button: the GoodStuff window # doesn't size itself width-wise correctly, so it chops off the last letters # on a couple of the button labels. I'd like to see GoodStuff with the # button text left-justified and the icons right-justified, like in SGI's # toolchest, but I'll have to hack that out myself when I get the time. # Also, is there any way to get the popup menus to cascade off the buttons, # rather than appearing over them? --tabaer@magnus # #*GoodStuff Button Icon Command *GoodStuff Shells /usr/user/tabaer/popup.xbm PopUp "Shells" Shells *GoodStuff Windows /usr/user/tabaer/popup.xbm PopUp "Windows" Windows *GoodStuff Tools /usr/user/tabaer/popup.xbm PopUp "Tools" Tools *GoodStuff Demos /usr/user/tabaer/popup.xbm PopUp "Demos" Demos *GoodStuff R-Hosts /usr/user/tabaer/popup.xbm PopUp "R-Hosts" R-Hosts *GoodStuff System /usr/user/tabaer/popup.xbm PopUp "System" System *GoodStuff EMACS /usr/include/X11/xlogo32 Exec "" exec emacs -i & # this is used for the selected window HiForeColor Yellow HiBackColor RoyalBlue PagerBackColor #5c54c0 # Menu colors MenuForeColor Black MenuBackColor grey MenuStippleColor SlateGrey ############################################################################ # Now the fonts - one for menus/icons, another for window titles Font -*-helvetica-medium-o-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* WindowFont -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* IconFont -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ########################################################################### # Set up the major operating modes # # Set windows to auto-raise after 750 milliseconds #AutoRaise 750 # Normally, we'll be in focus-follows mouse mode, but uncomment this # for mwm-style click-to-focus #ClickToFocus # The default icon box for SGI's seems to be on the top of the screen, # starting at the left side just beyond the toolchest IconBox 130 5 600 150 # If you don't like the default 150 msec click delay for the complex functions # change this and uncomment it. #ClickTime 150 ButtonStyle 1 50x22 ButtonStyle 2 50x50 ButtonStyle 4 22x22 ########################################################################### # Set up the virtual desktop and pager #set the desk top size in units of physical screen size DeskTopSize 1x1 # and the reduction scale used for the panner/pager DeskTopScale 32 # flip by whole pages on the edge of the screen. EdgeScroll 100 100 ########################################################################## # Icon paths # PixmapPath /usr/include/X11/pixmaps/ IconPath /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/ ############################################################################ # Set the decoration styles and window options # Order is important!!!! # If compatible styles are set for a single window in multiple Style # commands, then the styles are ORed together. If conflicting styles # are set, the last one specified is used. # These commands should command before any menus or functions are defined, # and before the internal pager is started. # change the default width. Style "*" BorderWidth 1, HandleWidth 7, Color Black/LightGray,Icon xlogo32 Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip,BorderWidth 0 Style "Fvwm Pager" StaysOnTop Style "FvwmPager" StaysOnTop Style "FvwmBanner" StaysOnTop Style "GoodStuff" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip,BorderWidth 0 Style "*lock" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip Style "xbiff" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip Style "Maker" StartsOnDesk 1 Style "matlab" StartsOnDesk 3 Style "signal" StartsOnDesk 3 Style "rxvt" Icon term.xpm Style "xterm" Icon xterm.xpm, Color black/grey Style "Appointment" Icon datebook.xpm Style "xcalc" Icon xcalc.xpm Style "xbiff" Icon mail1.xpm Style "xmh" Icon mail1.xpm, StartsOnDesk 2 Style "xman" Icon xman.xpm Style "xvgr" Icon graphs.xpm Style "matlab" Icon math4.xpm Style "xmag" Icon mag_glass.xpm Style "xgraph" Icon graphs.xpm Style "GoodStuff" Icon toolbox.xpm Style "Fudgit" Icon g/graphp.xpm Style "ghostview" Icon g/gv.xpm Style "Gnuplot" Icon m/math.xpm Style "idraw" Icon d/draw3.xpm Style "RLaB" Icon m/matrix1.xpm Style "XSpread V7.0" Icon s/spreadsh.2.xpm Style "velvet" Icon tabaer/fem.xbm Style "News" Icon mail2.xpm Style "xconsole" Icon term.xpm ############################################################################# # Stuff to do at start-up Function "InitFunction" Module "I" FvwmBanner Exec "I" xpmroot /usr/include/X11/pixmaps/fvwm.xpm & Module "I" GoodStuff Exec "I" exec xterm -geometry 80x64+0+0 & Wait "I" xterm Desk "I" 0 2 Exec "I" exec xterm Wait "I" xterm Desk "I" 0 0 EndFunction Function "RestartFunction" Exec "I" xsetroot -solid "#266294" Module "I" GoodStuff EndFunction ############################################################################## # Now define the menus - defer bindings until later # The first three menus are very basic and are used in several places. # --tabaer@magnus # This menu is invoked as a sub-menu - it allows you to quit, # restart, or switch to another WM. Popup "Quit-Verify" Title "Really Quit Fvwm?" Nop "This may log you out!" Nop "" Quit "Yes, Really Quit" Restart "Restart fvwm" fvwm Restart "Start twm" /usr/bin/X11/twm # This SHOULD invoke gwm in Motif mode (mwm == "gwm -qf mwm -1"), but # it's not as good as fvwm with this file IMHO... --tabaer@magnus Restart "Start mwm" /usr/bin/X11/mwm Restart "Start gwm" /usr/X386/bin/gwm Restart "Start olwm" /usr/openwin/bin/olwm Restart "Start olvwm" /usr/openwin/bin/olvwm Nop "" Nop "No, Don't Quit" EndPopup PopUp "WindowManagers" Restart "Restart fvwm" fvwm Restart "Start twm" /usr/bin/X11/twm # This SHOULD invoke gwm in Motif mode (mwm == "gwm -qf mwm -1"), but # it's not as good as fvwm with this file IMHO... --tabaer@magnus Restart "Start mwm" /usr/bin/X11/mwm Restart "Start gwm" /usr/X386/bin/gwm Restart "Start olwm" /usr/openwin/bin/olwm Restart "Start olvwm" /usr/openwin/bin/olvwm EndPopUp # This menu checks to make sure you REALLY want to log out, # assuming killing the WM will kick you out of X. PopUp "Logout-Verify" Title "Do You REALLY want to log out? Nop "" Quit "Yes, log me out." Nop "No, cancel that." EndPopUp # The following menus form the bulk of the menu system I have hanging # off the GoodStuff module; they contain most of my commonly used # X-based tools. Note that I use rxvt instead of xterm for most of my # shells due to memory constraints; if you use xterms or some variant # thereof (aixterm, cxterm, kxterm, etc.) you'll need to change quite # a few things. --tabaer@magnus # A menu of VT100 size shells PopUp "80x25" Title "80x25 Shells" Nop "" Exec "Black on gray" exec rxvt -geometry 80x25 -fg Black -bg LightGray & Exec "Black on white" exec rxvt -geometry 80x25 -fg Black -bg White & Exec "Gold on black" exec rxvt -geometry 80x25 -fg gold1 -bg Black & Exec "Green on black" exec rxvt -geomtery 80x25 -fg green2 -bg Black & Exec "White on black" exec rxvt -geometry 80x25 -fg White -bg Black & Exec "Yellow on blue" exec rxvt -geometry 80x25 -fg Yellow -bg Blue & EndPopUp # A menu of slightly larger shells PopUp "80x40" Title "80x40 Shells" Nop "" Exec "Black on gray" exec rxvt -geometry 80x40 -fg Black -bg LightGray & Exec "Black on white" exec rxvt -geometry 80x40 -fg Black -bg White & Exec "Gold on black" exec rxvt -geometry 80x40 -fg gold1 -bg Black & Exec "Green on black" exec rxvt -geometry 80x40 -fg green2 -bg Black & Exec "White on black" exec rxvt -geometry 80x40 -fg White -bg Black & Exec "Yellow on blue" exec rxvt -geometry 80x40 -fg Yellow -bg Blue & EndPopUp PopUp "Apps" Title "Applications" Nop "" Exec "Interviews Draw" exec idraw & Exec "X Spreadsheet" exec xspread & Exec "PostScript Previewer" exec ghostview & Exec "Pixmap Previewer" exec xv & EndPopUp PopUp "AudioDemos" Title "Audio Demos" Nop "" # Put your favorite sounds here EndPopUp # All sorts of different time pieces PopUp "Clocks" Title "Clocks" Nop "" Exec "Analog Clock" exec xclock -analog & Exec "Digital Clock" exec xclock -digital & Exec "Round Clock" exec oclock & EndPopUp # A set of NASTY time killers... PopUp "Games" Title "Games" Nop "" Exec "GnuChess" exec xboard & Exec "Lander" exec xlander & Exec "Puzzles" exec xpuzzle & EndPopUp # A menu of various and sundry background graphics. PopUp "Pixmaps" Title "Backgrounds" Nop "" Exec "MIT Logo" exec xsetroot -bg White -fg LightSkyBlue -bitmap /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/mensetmanus & Exec "X Logo" exec xsetroot -bg White -fg Black -bitmap /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/xlogo64 & Exec "Escher Knots" exec xsetroot -bg LightSkyBlue -fg Black -bitmap /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/escherknot & Exec "Woman" exec xsetroot -bg White -fg Black -bitmap /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/woman & EndPopUp # Several math/science/engineering related applications PopUp "SciEngr" Title "Science/Engineering" Nop "" Exec "RLaB" exec rxvt -T RLaB -n RLaB -e /usr/local/bin/rlab & Exec "Fudgit" exec rxvt -T Fudgit -n Fudgit -e /usr/local/bin/fudgit & Exec "GnuPlot" exec rxvt -T GnuPlot -n GnuPlot -e /usr/local/bin/gnuplot & Exec "Velvet" exec /usr/local/bin/velvet & # I need other stuff here, but that'll come later... --tabaer@magnus EndPopUp # Menu of silly things every X setup should have PopUp "Toys" Title "Toys" Nop "" Exec "X-Eyes" exec xeyes & Exec "X-Roaches" exec xroach & Exec "Ideal Gases" exec xgas & EndPopUp # Here are the top-level menus hanging off GoodStuff. As you'll see, # they call other menus a lot. --tabaer@magnus PopUp "Shells" Title "Shells" Nop "" PopUp "80x25" 80x25 PopUp "80x40" 80x40 Nop "Misc" EndPopUp PopUp "Windows" Title "Windows" Nop "" PopUp "Set Background" Pixmaps Nop "Set Screen Saver" PopUp "Window Managers" WindowManagers Nop "" CirculateUp "Shuffle Up" CirculateDown "Shuffle Down" Nop "Tidy Icons (?)" Nop "" Nop "Restore All (?)" Nop "Minimize All (?)" Refresh "Refresh All" EndPopUp PopUp "Tools" Title "Tools" Nop "" Exec "Online Manual" exec xman & PopUp "Clocks" Clocks Exec "Calculator" exec xcalc & Exec "Calendar" exec ical & Exec "Clipboard" exec xclipboard & Exec "System Load" exec xload & Exec "Memory Usage" exec xmem & PopUp "Engineering Apps." SciEngr PopUp "Misc. Apps." Apps EndPopUp PopUp "Demos" Title "Demos" Nop "" PopUp "Audio Demos" AudioDemos PopUp "X Demos and Toys" Toys PopUp "X Games" Games EndPopUp PopUp "R-Hosts" Title "Remote Hosts" Nop "" Nop "These clients require" Nop "networking to be up." Nop "" Exec "Chimera (WWW)" exec /usr/local/bin/chimera & Exec "News" rxvt -T News -i News -e /usr/local/bin/trn & Exec "XArchie" exec xarchie & EndPopUp PopUp "System" Title "System Nop "" Exec "Audio Control" exec /usr/local/bin/xvmixer & Nop "" Exec "Lock Terminal" exec xlock -mode random & Nop "" PopUp "Log Out" Logout-Verify EndPopUp # The next few menus are mostly used in the root window. They control # basic things like window placement, iconification, and logging out. # --tabaer@magnus # This defines the most common window operations # As with the key bindings (see below), these were appropriated from # a stock SGI .4Dwmrc file Popup "Window Ops" # I'm not 100% sure what the "Restore" option is supposed to do in stock # mwm/4Dwm, or if there's an equivalent in fvwm. Right now I just have # Restore defined the same as Raise. --tabaer@magnus Raise "Restore (Alt-F5)" Move "Move (Alt-F7)" Resize "Resize (Alt-F8)" Iconify "Minimize (Alt-F9)" Maximize "Maximize (Alt-F10)" Raise "Raise (Alt-F1)" Lower "Lower (Alt-F3)" WindowList "WinList (Alt-F6)" Nop "" Destroy "Close (Alt-F4)" Delete "Quit (Alt-F2)" EndPopup # 4dwm-ish root window menu PopUp "RootMenu" Title "FVWM" Nop "" Exec "Lock Terminal" exec xlock -mode random & PopUp "Log Out" Logout-Verify EndPopUp #4dwm-ish long root window PopUp "LongRootMenu" Title "FVWM" Nop "" Exec "New Window" exec rxvt & CirculateUp "Shuffle Up" CirculateDown "Shuffle Down" Nop "Tidy Icons (?)" Nop "Restore All (?)" Refresh "Refresh All" Nop "" Restart "Restart fvwm" fvwm PopUp "Quit fvwm" Quit-Verify Nop "" Exec "Lock Terminal" exec xlock -mode random & PopUp "Log Out" Logout-Verify EndPopUp ############################################################################ # Now define some handy complex functions # This one moves and then raises the window if you drag the mouse, # only raises the window if you click, or does a RaiseLower if you double # click Function "Move-or-Raise" Move "Motion" Raise "Motion" Raise "Click" RaiseLower "DoubleClick" EndFunction # This one moves and then lowers the window if you drag the mouse, # only lowers the window if you click, or does a RaiseLower if you double # click Function "Move-or-Lower" Move "Motion" Lower "Motion" Lower "Click" RaiseLower "DoubleClick" EndFunction # This one resizes and then raises the window if you drag the mouse, # only raises the window if you click, or does a RaiseLower if you double # click Function "Resize-or-Raise" Resize "Motion" Raise "Motion" Raise "Click" RaiseLower "DoubleClick" EndFunction Function "Move-or-Iconify" Move "Motion" PopUp "Click" Window Ops Iconify "DoubleClick" EndFunction # This does the Motif/MSWin thing of killing the window when you # double-click the top left button. Very useful if you're used # to Windows 3.1, SGI machines, or both (like me). --tabaer@magnus Function "Die-on-DoubleClick" Destroy "DoubleClick" PopUp "Click" Window Ops EndFunction ############################################################################## # This defines the mouse bindings # First, for the mouse in the root window # I use the AnyModifier option for the modifier field, so you can hold down # any shift-control-whatever combination you want! # Button Context Modifi Function Mouse 1 R A PopUp "LongRootMenu" # Mouse button 2 calls up the Tools menu in case GoodStuff doesn't work Mouse 2 R A PopUp "Tools" Mouse 3 R A PopUp "RootMenu" # Now the title bar buttons # Any button in the left title-bar button gives the window ops menu # Any button in the right title-bar button Iconifies the window # Note the use of "Mouse 0" for AnyButton. # Button Context Modifi Function Mouse 0 1 A Function "Die-on-DoubleClick" Mouse 0 2 A Maximize Mouse 0 4 A Iconify # Now the rest of the frame # Here I invoke my complex functions for Move-or-lower, Move-or-raise, # and Resize-or-Raise. # Button 1 in the corner pieces, with any modifiers, gives resize or raise Mouse 1 FS A Function "Resize-or-Raise" Mouse 2 FS A Function "Resize-or-Raise" Mouse 1 T A Function "Move-or-Raise" Mouse 2 T A Function "Move-or-Raise" Mouse 1 I A Function "Move-or-Iconify" Mouse 2 I A Function "Move-or-Iconify" ############################################################################ # Now some keyboard shortcuts. # I don't use (or compile in, for that matter) the virtual stuff, # so the Scroll keybindings are pretty useless to me. I shut them # off. --tabaer@magnus # Arrow Keys # press arrow + meta key, and scroll by 1/10 of a page Key Left A M Scroll -10 +0 Key Right A M Scroll +10 +0 Key Up A M Scroll +0 -10 Key Down A M Scroll +0 +10 # press shift arrow + control anywhere, and move the pointer by 1% of a page Key Left A SC CursorMove -1 0 Key Right A SC CursorMove +1 +0 Key Up A SC CursorMove +0 -1 Key Down A SC CursorMove +0 +1 # press shift arrow + meta key, and move the pointer by 1/10 of a page Key Left A SM CursorMove -10 +0 Key Right A SM CursorMove +10 +0 Key Up A SM CursorMove +0 -10 Key Down A SM CursorMove +0 +10 # Keyboard accelerators # These are "borrowed" from the .4Dwmrc file on an SGI I use, # except for AltF2 and AltF6 which I added for completeness. # I think the other are standard Motif. --tabaer@magnus Key F1 WFST M Raise Key F2 WFST M Delete Key F3 WFST M Lower Key F4 WFST M Destroy Key F5 WFST M Raise Key F6 A M WindowList Key F7 WFST M Move Key F8 WFST M Resize Key F9 WFST M Iconify Key F10 WFST M Maximize