# Unfortunately, order does matter in this file # The correct order for inserting configurations is: # 1. Colors # 2. Assorted configuration paramters such as ClickToFocus, or MWMBorders # 3. Path setup (ModulePath, PixmapPath, IconPath) # 4. Style settings, including the default style Style "*" ... # 5. InitFunction and ResetFunction definitions. # 6. Other Functions. Functions cannot be forward referenced from # other functions, but they can be backward referenced. # 7. Menus definitions. Same caveats about forward referencing # 8. Key and Mouse Bindings. # 9. Module options. # The order of steps 5, 6, and 7 is not critical, as long as there are # no forward references to functions or menus. # If you get it wrong, the most common problem is that color or font settings # are ignored ########################################################################### # set up the colors # # OK some people like bright clear colors on their window decorations. # These people, I guess would mostly be from nice sunny/good weather places # line California. # # StdForeColor Black # StdBackColor LightSkyBlue # HiForeColor yellow # HiBackColor PeachPuff1 # PagerBackColor BlanchedAlmond # Me, I'm from Upstate New York, and live in New Hampshire, so I prefer # these dark muddy colors... # this is used for the selected window HiForeColor Black HiBackColor #c06077 #PagerBackColor #5c54c0 #PagerForeColor orchid StickyForeColor Black StickyBackColor #60c0a0 # Menu colors MenuForeColor Black MenuBackColor grey MenuStippleColor SlateGrey ############################################################################ # Now the fonts - one for menus, another for window titles, another for icons #Font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Font -*-times-medium-i-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* WindowFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* #IconFont -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-* IconFont fixed ########################################################################### # Set up the major operating modes # ######################## FOCUS STUFF ############################## # Set windows to auto-raise after 750 milliseconds if you like it. # Autoraise can sometimes obscure pop-up windows. Performance is now # similar to olvwm's auto-raise feature. #AutoRaise 750 # Normally, we'll be in focus-follows mouse mode, but uncomment this # for mwm-style click-to-focus #ClickToFocus ######################## ICON STUFF ############################## # Auto Place Icons is a nice feature.... # This creates two icon boxes, one on the left side, then one on the # bottom. Leaves room in the upper left for my clock and xbiff, # room on the bottom for the Pager. #IconBox -150 90 -5 -140 #IconBox 5 -140 -140 -5 IconBox -70 1 -1 -140 # If you uncomment this, and make sure that the WindowList is bound to # something, it works pretty much like an icon manager. #SuppressIcons # StubbornIcons makes icons de-iconify into their original position on the # desktop, instead of on the current page. #StubbornIcons # With AutoPlacement, icons will normally place themselves underneath active # windows. This option changes that. #StubbornIconPlacement # If you want ALL you icons to follow you around the desktop (Sticky), try # this #StickyIcons ######################## MWM EMULATION ####################### # # My feeling is that everyone should use MWMDecorHints and MWMFunctionHints, # since some applications depend on having the window manager respect them # MWMFunction hints parses the function information in the MOTIF_WM_HINTS # property, and prohibits use of these functions on the window. Appropriate # portions of the window decorations are removed. MWMFunctionHints # MWM is kinda picky about what can be done to transients, and it was keeping # me from iconifying some windows that I like to iconify, so here's an # over-ride that will allow me to do the operation, even tough the menu # item is shaded out. MWMHintOverride # MWMDecor hints parses the decoration information in the MOTIF_WM_HINTS # property, and removes these decoratons from the window. This does not affect # the functions that can be performed via the menus. MWMDecorHints # These are affect minor aspects for the look-and-feel. # Sub-menus placement mwm-style? # MWMMenus # mwm-style border reliefs (less deep than default fvwm) ? # MWMBorders # Maximize button does mwm-inversion thingy # MWMButtons ######################## MISCELLANEOUS STUFF ####################### # If you don't like the default 150 msec click delay for the complex functions # change this and uncomment it. #ClickTime 150 # OpaqueMove has a number (N) attached to it (default 5). # if the window occupies less than N% of the screen, # then opaque move is used. 0 <= N <= 100 # OpaqueMove 100 # flip by whole pages on the edge of the screen. EdgeScroll 100 100 # A modest delay before flipping pages seems to be nice... # I thresh in a 50 pixel Move-resistance too, just so people # can try it out. EdgeResistance 250 50 ######################## WINDOW PLACEMENT ####################### # RandomPlacement prevents user interaction while placing windows: # RandomPlacement # SmartPlacement makes new windows pop-up in blank regions of screen # if possible, or falls back to random or interactive placement. SmartPlacement # With SmartPlacement, windows will normally place themselves over icons. # Uncomment this to change that. #StubbornPlacement # NoPPosition instructs fvwm to ignore the PPosition field in window # geometry hints. Emacs annoyingly sets PPosition to (0,0)! NoPPosition ######################## DECORATIONS ####################### # If you want decorated transient windows, uncomment this: #DecorateTransients ########################################################################### # Set up the virtual desktop and pager #set the desk top size in units of physical screen size DeskTopSize 2x2 # and the reduction scale used for the panner/pager DeskTopScale 32 ########################################################################## # Module path and paths to the icons # # ModulePath is a colon-separated list, just like regular unix PATH ModulePath /usr/lib/X11/fvwm PixmapPath /usr/include/X11/pixmaps/ IconPath /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/ ############################################################################ # Set the decoration styles and window options # Order is important!!!! # If compatible styles are set for a single window in multiple Style # commands, then the styles are ORed together. If conflicting styles # are set, the last one specified is used. # These commands should command before any menus or functions are defined, # and before the internal pager is started. # change the default width. Style "*" BorderWidth 5, HandleWidth 5, Color Black/#60a0c0,Icon unknown1.xpm Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip,BorderWidth 0 Style "Fvwm Pager" StaysOnTop Style "FvwmPager" StaysOnTop Style "FvwmBanner" StaysOnTop Style "FvwmFileMgr" Title, Handles, Icon folder2.xpm # Make sure that these windows get icons. Style "FvwmFileManagerWindow" NoTitle, NoHandles, Icon Style "Garbage" Title, Handles, Icon Style "GoodStuff" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip,BorderWidth 0 Style "*lock" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip Style "xbiff" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip Style "Maker" StartsOnDesk 1 Style "matlab" StartsOnDesk 3 Style "signal" StartsOnDesk 3 Style "rxvt" Icon term.xpm Style "xterm" Icon xterm.xpm, Color black/grey Style "Appointment" Icon datebook.xpm, NoButton 2, NoButton 4 Style "xcalc" Icon xcalc.xpm, NoButton 2 Style "xbiff" Icon mail1.xpm, NoButton 2 Style "xmh" Icon mail1.xpm, StartsOnDesk 2, NoButton 2 Style "xman" Icon xman.xpm Style "xvgr" Icon graphs.xpm Style "matlab" Icon math4.xpm Style "xmag" Icon mag_glass.xpm Style "xgraph" Icon graphs.xpm Style "GoodStuff" Icon toolbox.xpm # Change the Maximize and iconify buttons to up and down triangles. ButtonStyle : 2 4 50x35@1 65x65@0 35x65@0 50x35@1 ButtonStyle : 4 4 50x65@1 35x35@1 65x35@1 50x65@0 ############################################################################# # Stuff to do at start-up Function "InitFunction" Module "I" FvwmBanner Exec "I" xpmroot /usr/include/X11/pixmaps/fvwm.xpm & Module "I" GoodStuff Exec "I" exec xterm -geometry 80x64+0+0 & Wait "I" xterm Desk "I" 0 2 Exec "I" exec xterm -geometry +0+0 & Wait "I" xterm Desk "I" 0 0 EndFunction Function "RestartFunction" Exec "I" xsetroot -solid "#266294" Module "I" GoodStuff EndFunction ############################################################################ # Now define some handy complex functions # This one moves and then raises the window if you drag the mouse, # only raises the window if you click, or does a RaiseLower if you double # click Function "Move-or-Raise" Move "Motion" Raise "Motion" Raise "Click" RaiseLower "DoubleClick" EndFunction # This one maximizes vertically if you click (leaving room for the GoodStuff bar at the # bottom, or does a full maximization if you double click, or a true full vertical # maximization if you just hold the mouse button down. Function "maximize_func" Maximize "Motion" 0 100 Maximize "Click" 0 80 Maximize "DoubleClick" 100 100 EndFunction # This one moves and then lowers the window if you drag the mouse, # only lowers the window if you click, or does a RaiseLower if you double # click Function "Move-or-Lower" Move "Motion" Lower "Motion" Lower "Click" RaiseLower "DoubleClick" EndFunction # This one moves or (de)iconifies: Function "Move-or-Iconify" Move "Motion" Iconify "DoubleClick" EndFunction # This one resizes and then raises the window if you drag the mouse, # only raises the window if you click, or does a RaiseLower if you double # click Function "Resize-or-Raise" Resize "Motion" Raise "Motion" Raise "Click" RaiseLower "DoubleClick" EndFunction # This is provided as a hint only. # Move to a known page on the desktop, then start an application in a # known location. Could also switch to a known desktop, I guess #Function "abs_coord" # GoToPage "Immediate" 1,1 # Exec "Immediate" exec xcalc -geometry +100+100& #EndFunction ############################################################################## #now define the menus - defer bindings until later # This menu is invoked as a sub-menu - it allows you to quit, # restart, or switch to another WM. Popup "Quit-Verify" Title "Really Quit Fvwm?" Quit "Yes, Really Quit" Restart "Restart Fvwm" fvwm Restart "Start twm" twm Restart "Start tvtwm" tvtwm Restart "Start mwm" mwm Restart "Start olwm" /usr/openwin/bin/olwm Nop "" Nop "No, Don't Quit" EndPopup # Provides a list of modules to fire off Popup "Module-Popup" Title "Modules" Module "GoodStuff" GoodStuff Module "Clean-Up" FvwmClean Module "Identify" FvwmIdent Module "SaveDesktop" FvwmSave Module "Debug" FvwmDebug Module "Pager" FvwmPager 0 3 Module "FvwmWinList" FvwmWinList EndPopup # This menu will fire up some very common utilities Popup "Utilities" Title "Utilities" Exec "Xterm" exec xterm -e tcsh & Exec "Rxvt" exec rxvt & Exec "Top" exec rxvt -T Top -n Top -e top & Exec "Calculator" exec xcalc & Exec "Xman" exec xman & Exec "Xmag" exec xmag & Nop "" Popup "Modules" Module-Popup Nop "" Popup "Exit Fvwm" Quit-Verify EndPopup # This defines the most common window operations Popup "Window Ops" Title "Window Ops" Function "Move" Move-or-Raise Function "Resize" Resize-or-Raise Raise "Raise" Lower "Lower" Iconify "(De)Iconify" Stick "(Un)Stick" Function "(Un)Maximize" maximize_func Nop "" Destroy "Destroy" Close "Close" Nop "" Refresh "Refresh Screen" EndPopup # A trimmed down version of "Window Ops", good for binding to decorations Popup "Window Ops2" Function "Move" Move-or-Raise Function "Resize" Resize-or-Raise Raise "Raise" Lower "Lower" Iconify "Iconify" Stick "(Un)Stick" Nop "" Destroy "Destroy" Close "Close" Nop "" Module "ScrollBar" FvwmScroll 2 2 EndPopup ############################################################################# # One more complex function - couldn't be defined earlier because it used # pop-up menus # # This creates a motif-ish sticky menu for the title-bar window-ops # pop-up # Menu acts like normal twm menu if you just hold the button down, # but if you click instead, the menu stays up, motif style Function "window_ops_func" PopUp "Click" Window Ops2 PopUp "Motion" Window Ops2 # Motif would add: # I'll add it too, it can be mighty handy. Close "DoubleClick" EndFunction ############################################################################## # This defines the mouse bindings # First, for the mouse in the root window # Button 1 gives the Utilities menu # Button 2 gives the Window Ops menu # Button 3 gives the WindowList (like TwmWindows) # I use the AnyModifier (A) option for the modifier field, so you can hold down # any shift-control-whatever combination you want! # Button Context Modifi Function Mouse 1 R A PopUp "Utilities" Mouse 2 R A PopUp "Window Ops" Mouse 3 R A Module "winlist" FvwmWinList transient # Now the title bar buttons # Any button in the left title-bar button gives the window ops menu # Any button in the right title-bar button Iconifies the window # Any button in the rightmost title-bar button maximizes # Note the use of "Mouse 0" for AnyButton. # Button Context Modifi Function Mouse 0 1 A Function "window_ops_func" Mouse 0 2 A Function "maximize_func" Mouse 0 4 A Iconify # Now the rest of the frame # Here I invoke my complex functions for Move-or-lower, Move-or-raise, # and Resize-or-Raise. # Button 1 in the corner pieces, with any modifiers, gives resize or raise Mouse 1 F A Function "Resize-or-Raise" # Button 1 in the title, sides, or icon, w/ any modifiers, gives move or raise Mouse 1 TS A Function "Move-or-Raise" # Button 1 in an icons gives move for a drag, de-iconify for a double-click, # nothing for a single click # Button 2 in an icon, w/ any modifiers, gives de-iconify Mouse 1 I A Function "Move-or-Iconify" Mouse 2 I A Iconify # Button 2 in the corners, sides, or title-bar gives the window ops menu Mouse 2 FST A Function "window_ops_func" # Button 3 anywhere in the decoration (except the title-bar buttons) # does a raise-lower Mouse 3 TSIF A RaiseLower # Button 3 in the window, with the Modifier-1 key (usually alt or diamond) # gives Raise-Lower. Used to use control here, but that interferes with xterm Mouse 3 W M RaiseLower ############################################################################ # Now some keyboard shortcuts. # Arrow Keys # press arrow + control anywhere, and scroll by 1 page Key Left A C Scroll -100 0 Key Right A C Scroll +100 +0 Key Up A C Scroll +0 -100 Key Down A C Scroll +0 +100 # press arrow + meta key, and scroll by 1/10 of a page Key Left A M Scroll -10 +0 Key Right A M Scroll +10 +0 Key Up A M Scroll +0 -10 Key Down A M Scroll +0 +10 # press shift arrow + control anywhere, and move the pointer by 1% of a page Key Left A SC CursorMove -1 0 Key Right A SC CursorMove +1 +0 Key Up A SC CursorMove +0 -1 Key Down A SC CursorMove +0 +1 # press shift arrow + meta key, and move the pointer by 1/10 of a page Key Left A SM CursorMove -10 +0 Key Right A SM CursorMove +10 +0 Key Up A SM CursorMove +0 -10 Key Down A SM CursorMove +0 +10 # Keyboard accelerators Key F1 A M Popup "Utilities" Key F1 A M Popup "Utilities" Key F2 A M Popup "Window Ops" Key F3 A M Module "WindowList" FvwmWinList Key F4 A M Iconify Key F5 A M Move Key F6 A M Resize Key F7 A M CirculateUp Key F8 A M CirculateDown #Page Up/Dapge Down keys are used to scroll by one desktop page # in any context, press page up/down + control # in root context, just pressing page up/down is OK # # I prefer the non-wrapping scroll. These are for example purposes only #Key Next A C Scroll 100000 0 #Key Next R N Scroll 100000 0 #Key Prior A C Scroll -100000 0 #Key Prior R N Scroll -100000 0 ############################################################################ ############################################################################ #Definitions used by the modules ###################### GoodStuff button-bar ################################ # Colors *GoodStuffFore Black *GoodStuffBack #908090 # Font *GoodStuffFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-* # Geometry - really likes to pick its own size, but giving a position is OK *GoodStuffGeometry -1-1 # Layout: specify rows or columns, not both *GoodStuffRows 2 # Define the buttons to use..... *GoodStuff Kill rbomb.xpm Destroy # xterm or rxvts on remote machines can be done like this # Output re-direction is csh style, not sh style # You will want to substitute your own hosts here! *GoodStuff Dopey rterm.xpm Exec "dopey" rsh dopey "exec xterm -T dopey -display $HOSTDISPLAY &/dev/null & "& *GoodStuff Grumpy rterm.xpm Exec "grumpy" rsh grumpy "exec xterm -T grumpy -display $HOSTDISPLAY &/dev/null & "& *GoodStuff Snoopy rterm.xpm Exec "snoopy" rsh snoopy "exec xterm -T snoopy -display $HOSTDISPLAY &/dev/null & "& *GoodStuff Xcalc rcalc.xpm Exec "Calculator" xcalc & *GoodStuff mail mail2.xpm Exec "xmh" xmh & *GoodStuff Paging clamp.xpm TogglePage *GoodStuff - clock.xpm Swallow "xclock" xclock -bg \#908090 -geometry -1500-1500 -padding 0 *GoodStuff(4x1) - whatever SwallowModule "FvwmPager" FvwmPager 0 3 ######################### No Clutter ######################################## # I only wrote NoClutter as a simple test case, but maybe some big sites like # universities really have usage problems (too many open windows).... # Time delays are in seconds. *FvwmNoClutter 3600 Iconify 1 *FvwmNoClutter 86400 Delete *FvwmNoCLutter 172800 Destroy ########################## Window-Identifier ############################### # Just choose colors and a fonts *FvwmIdentBack MidnightBlue *FvwmIdentFore Yellow *FvwmIdentFont -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ########################### Pager ######################################### *FvwmPagerBack #908090 *FvwmPagerFore #484048 *FvwmPagerFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *FvwmPagerHilight #cab3ca *FvwmPagerGeometry -1-1 *FvwmPagerLabel 0 Misc *FvwmPagerLabel 1 Maker *FvwmPagerLabel 2 Mail *FvwmPagerLabel 3 Matlab *FvwmPagerSmallFont 5x8 ##########################FvwmWinList################################## *FvwmWinListBack #908090 *FvwmWinListFore Black *FvwmWinListFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *FvwmWinListAction Click1 Iconify -1,Focus *FvwmWinListAction Click2 Iconify *FvwmWinListAction Click3 Module "FvwmIdent" FvwmIdent *FvwmWinListUseSkipList *FvwmWinListGeometry +0-1