ELFI4( WVST$t$D$_P2he1ۃ 9^0v.vu ShvF|PhC9^0whW[^_Í6UWVST$l$t$D$ _P2h1ۃ u v/u Sh v+PhCtс~hW[^_]ÐUWVSD$ =u`v}~ٻ } ~ t5t'hhhD$40hht6T$(rD$,@D$t$T$0rD$40hhT$(Jwt[^_]É D$(Ht tT$(2hh$ 19-[E~<t.htD$(0hh$ t7h57jVt)tih:tST$(2.6tD$PhYL$ L$-9c|$tBt h^t#D$(0hh t1 |$ t-97tT$(2hhr =~у-9|$ t!tD$(0hSh{ D$ [^_]Í6UWVSt$l$hjUnjhjht$8ƒ t8tt$6hShjU[^_]Í6D$4L$N\$ ڀ;uv;t:u 6:t^JV ~~FFjh‰VDu1L$jt$ jU[^_]Í61)nDdžDdžPdžF,@+VfF>fFBdždžfELEOtj6hhtj6hhCENut6hSh  ENFPt,VF )@PRFPvENP6hSh 1[^_]Í6WVS|$_DfwCR0t%PPPhh|$tfH9rfAW:t't7hSh [^_ÐCOCP KRɄKRȉ1[^_ËL$1ҍ6R@@B~AHAWfA@AxfA8fA:AXA\AdfAhÍvUWVS\$0kDCD$(fSt!t$FP|$<7hShL$(AA,[^_]$Í6t/t$FP|$GPEPL$D1hShjuEt$0F|$0G4EE[^_]$Í6EX|ML$$y|t$$~0L$L$D$@ыt$tft|$$G0D$@G0L$,KL$0 E8Et}u2twut$(t$@6hSh0[^_]$Í6EEE=}hw t$(t$@ t$8t$(f|$,fGlt$, [^_]$Í6D$@DUWVSL$|$fl$_B)Y|Y0Ax9A|sSh|+hQY|wDtKt$(PP|$,t T$,P|$4t T$46P7hhu =tDtMtFT=t%Kv=t9 =5t 66=7t+vCR6CJ6CB6C:6C26tPP7hShF F81[^_]Ð|$$t T$$GPCfC|$ uCGB[^_]ÍvT$ CGB[^_]Í6WVSt$|$_DFdž skput:over: %p:%dskpush:under: %p:%d<7>%6s: skb dump (%s) follows: <7>[%04X] %02X <7>%6s: packet dump (%s) follows:<7>%s%6s: space used for probe buffers: %d+%d=%d bytes <6>%s%6s: given: base %lXh, IRQ %d, shmem %lXh %s%6s: Stage 1: %Xh (check_region) (empty) <4>%s%6s: Stage 1: No ARCnet cards found. %s%6s: Stage 2: %s%6s: Stage 3: %lXh (mem=%02Xh, not %02Xh) (read only) %s%6s: Stage 3: No ARCnet cards found. %s%6s: Stage 4: %s%6s: Stage 5: (status=%Xh) (eternal reset, status=%Xh) (airq=%d) (%d,%lXh) %Xh-no matching shmem) %s%6s: %s%6s: Stage 5: No ARCnet cards found. arcnet%s%6s: Can't get IRQ %d! %s%6s: ClientData header size is %d. %s%6s: HardHeader size is %d. %s%6s: WARNING! Station address 00 is reserved for broadcasts! %s%6s: WARNING! Station address FF may confuse DOS networking programs! %s%6s: ARCnet station %02Xh found at %03lXh, IRQ %d, ShMem %lXh (%ld bytes). %s%6s: Resetting %s (status=%Xh) %s%6s: reset failed: TESTvalue not present. <6>%6s: debug level set to %d %s%6s: arcnet_open: resetting card. %s%6s: ARCnet RFC1201 protocol initialized. %se%s%6s: RFC1051 protocol not available (disabled). %s%6s: transmit requested (status=%Xh, inTX=%d) %s%6s: send_packet called while in txhandler! %s%6s: send_packet called while intx! %s%6s: premature kickme! (status=%Xh ticks=%d o.skb=%ph numsegs=%d segnum=%d %s%6s: tx timeout - missed IRQ? (status=%Xh, ticks=%d, mask=%Xh, dest=%02Xh) %s%6s: tx timed out (status=%Xh, tickssofar=%d, intmask=%Xh, dest=%02Xh) %s%6s: tx passed null skb (status=%Xh, inTX=%d, tickssofar=%ld) %s%6s: trying to start new packet while busy! (status=%Xh) %s%6s: transmitter called with busy bit set! (status=%Xh, inTX=%d, tickssofar=%ld) tx%s%6s: not splitting %d-byte packet. (split_flag=%d) %s%6s: short packet has split_flag set?! (split_flag=%d) %s%6s: packet (%d bytes) split into %d fragments: %s%6s: continue_tx called (status=%Xh, intx=%d, intxh=%d, intmask=%Xh %s%6s: continue_tx: called with packet in buffer! %s%6s: continue_tx: building segment %d of %d! %s%6s: building packet #%d (%d bytes) of %d (%d total), splitflag=%d %s%6s: arcnetAS_prep_tx: hdr:%ph, length:%d, data:%ph %s%6s: transmitting packet to station %02Xh (%d bytes) %s%6s: go_tx: status=%Xh, intmask=%Xh, txready=%d, sending=%d <7>arcnet: irq %d for unknown device. %s%6s: in arcnet_interrupt %s%6s: DRIVER PROBLEM! Nested arcnet interrupts! %s%6s: in arcnet_inthandler (status=%Xh, intmask=%Xh) %s%6s: spurious reset (status=%Xh) %s%6s: receive irq (status=%Xh) %s%6s: TX IRQ (stat=%Xh, numsegs=%d, segnum=%d, skb=%ph) %s%6s: transmit was not acknowledged! (status=%Xh, dest=%02Xh) %s%6s: broadcast was not acknowledged; that's normal (status=%Xh, dest=%02Xh) %s%6s: TXDONE while intx! (status=%Xh, intx=%d) %s%6s: TX IRQ done: no split to continue. %s%6s: recovery from silent TX (status=%Xh) %s%6s: reconfiguration detected: cabling restored? %s%6s: recon: clearing counters. %s%6s: recon: counter=%d, time=%lds, net=%d %s%6s: many reconfigurations detected: cabling problem? %s%6s: cabling restored? %s%6s: not recon: clearing counters anyway. %s%6s: net_interrupt complete (status=%Xh, count=%d) %s%6s: discarding old packet. (status=%Xh) %s%6s: received packet from %02Xh to %02Xh (%d bytes) %s%6s: received unknown protocol %d (%Xh) from station %d. rx%s%6s: it's an RFC1201 packet (length=%d) %s%6s: compensating for exception packet %s%6s: incoming is not split (splitflag=%d) %s%6s: aborting assembly (seq=%d) for unsplit packet (splitflag=%d, seq=%d) %s%6s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet. %s%6s: ARP source address was 00h, set to %02Xh. %s%6s: ARP source address (%Xh) is fine. %s%6s: funny-shaped ARP packet. (%Xh, %Xh) %s%6s: packet is split (splitflag=%d, seq=%d) %s%6s: wrong seq number (saddr=%d, expected=%d, seq=%d, splitflag=%d) %s%6s: brand new splitpacket (splitflag=%d) %s%6s: aborting previous (seq=%d) assembly (splitflag=%d, seq=%d) %s%6s: incoming packet more than 16 segments; dropping. (splitflag=%d) %s%6s: (split) memory squeeze, dropping packet. %s%6s: can't continue split without starting first! (splitflag=%d, seq=%d) %s%6s: duplicate splitpacket ignored! (splitflag=%d) %s%6s: out-of-order splitpacket, reassembly (seq=%d) aborted (splitflag=%d, seq=%d) %s%6s: ?!? done reassembling packet, no skb? (skb=%ph, in->skb=%ph) %s%6s: create header from %d to %d; protocol %d (%Xh); size %u. %s%6s: I don't understand protocol %d (%Xh) %s%6s: I don't understand protocol type %d (%Xh) addresses! %s%6s: rebuild header from %d to %d; protocol %Xh %s%6s: rebuilt: from %d to %d; protocol %Xh %s%6s: received packet of unknown protocol id %d (%Xh) %s%6s: ARCnet Ethernet-Encap protocol initialized. %s%6s: MTU must be <= 493 for ethernet encap (length=%d). %s%6s: transmit aborted. %s%6s: starting tx sequence... %s%6s: length=%Xh, offset=%Xh, offset1=%Xh, offset2=%Xh %s%6s: ready to memcpy %s%6s: it's an ethernet-encap packet (length=%d) arc0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.2.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.data.rel.data.bss.note.rodata.comment4>4! \T +t41 ,%%-25?;?@A<< ??7,`%e%j-z,%%-,%%0,;%@%E-r,%%-,%%-BY,b0%%-C,%%-A,J0%%-6,>%{,%%-,%%- BOD,%%-B$0c,%%-,%%-,%%-,,S%X%]-,%%-, %%- ,(%{,%%-7&,/%4-B,L%Q%V-,%%- ,7%<%A-c,r%w%|-,%%-',Z%_%d-,%%-,%%-,&%+%0-G,U%Z%_-DB;Db,q%v%{-0,%%-0 , %" %- 0? ,l %q %v - , % % 0!,!%!%!-D!,R!%W!%\!-v!,!%!%!-!,!%!%!-E",Z"%_"%d"-","%"%"-"("("("("(#(#(#( #(#(#(#(#( #($#((#(,#(0#(4#(8#(<#(@#(D#(H#(L#(P#(T#(X#(\#(`#(d#(h#(l#(p#(t#(x#(|#(#(#(#(#(#,#%#%#- $,$%d$,v$%{$%$-$,$%$%$-$,$%$%%-%,4%%9%%>%-J%Ex%F%,%%%%%-)&,;&%@&%E&-^&,p&%u&%z&-&,&%&%&-&,&%&H',)'%.'%3'-X',v'%{'%'-'E','%'%'-',(%(%(-4(E_(,r(%w(%|(-(F(,(%(%(-9),T)%Y)%^)-),)%)%)-),)%*%*-*E*,*%*%*-*,+%/+Hm+(r+%w+I+,+%+%+-F,,U,%Z,%_,-,,,%,%,--,&-%+-%0--H-JY-,q-%v-%{---(-(-(-(-(-(-(-(.(.(.( .(.(.(.(.( .($.((.(,.(0.(4.(8.(<.(@.(D.(H.(L.(P.(T.(X.(\.(`.(d.(h.(l.(p.(t.(x.(|.(.,.%.%.-.K.(/(/(/,#/%(/%-/-/,/%/%/-/,/%0%0-0B.0,<0%A0%F0-0,0%0%0-0, 1%1%1-I1,c1%h1%m1-v1,~1%1B1D1012,C2%H2%M2-[2Fj2,x2%}2%2-2,2%2L2H3&3&3&$3%23&73&<3&E3&J3&P3&Z3&`3&i3&u3&z3&3&3&3>3&3&3&3&373&394&464& 4A&4&+4<14&%(&L.