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EX?? @X? LlFF4GlF%s:%d: failed assertion `%s' eth_xmit.ccbp->nop.cmd == I596_CB_CMD_NOP|I596_CB_CMD_ELcbp->nop.cmd & I596_CB_CMDp->scbp->status & I596_SCB_CNA### cmd still busy: %x %d=%d,%x,%d '%s' %x %x %08x: %02x %08x: %04x %08x: %08x link state %02x *** got %d interrupts ### Expected %d but got %d interrupts PLX9060 Address = %X DATA = %X *** Write of %x to %d failed *** Write of %x to %x failed ******************* Illegal command '%s' --- commands m,t,e,E,a,x,l,s,p can be prefixed with a repeat countl xport rport [len] Loopback test from xport (1-6) to rport (1-6)i Interrupt Host | s [port] [len] Back2back xmit cnt packetsP Test PLX 9060 | d [r|w|l|t] [val|'c'] Read/Write/Loop/Time DMAL Read Link LEDs | p regno [val] Read/[write] PLX registerA addr Set ether addr | $ script Read cmds from file 'script'x [port] Tx ether | R [port] Rx ether [on port 1-6]H Toggle FCC test | q,^D,^Z Quita Test all | Z msecs Pause for a whileE Test EEPROM | Sr addr; Sw addr val; Read/Write PLX E2 rege [port] Test ethernet | Er addr; Ew addr val; Read/Write EEPROM regt Test timers | w[*] addr val Write memory: wb wh, ww, wtm Test memory | r[*] addr Read memory: rb rh, rw, rt*** RightSwitch Diagnostics menu ***--- Three copies of address do not agree! --- Ether Address Not Set! --- Ether Address is a multicast address! *** %02X%02X%02X:%02X:%02X%02X --- First byte (%02X) is a broadcast address --- Last digit must be 0 or 8 *** Eight ethernet addresses have been used: *** Port %d ethernet address is --- Bad ether address '%s' specified bHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmbHmHmHmHmHmHm mHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmHmkHmHmdlxjHmHmbHmHmHmgHmHmHm,iHmiPkHmHmHmHmiHmlHmHmHmHmHmHm4jHmHmmhgfHmHmhHmHmg8lHmHmhHmeg 1024*1024 *** lcl.Buf1 = %x --> host.Buf = %x --> lcl.Buf2 = %x *** > Db %d (burst); > Dw %d (waitstates) ### Second arg must be 'r' or 'w' or 'l' *** DMA %s in %4d byte chunks: to hostfrom host%8d bytes/sec. time too short to measure P%d->%s transmit pending on %d transmit config on %d transmit tcn tcn exp forward_delay exp %d message_age exp %d hold exp %d TxCONFIG%d TxTCN%d rcv config on %d ZERO root! at %x supercedes %d Send UDP %d No RBD's in UDP (%d %d) Sent UDP %d SNMP '%c' len %d Envoy rc=%d Bad UDP checksum %x len %d Bad UDP length want %d got %d Bad ICMP checksum No RBD's in ICMP Bad IP checksum Truncated IP SENT IPX! No RBD's in IPX Truncated IPX Malloc returns NULL!Digi Intl. RightSwitch SE-XIntel 82596get_snmpEnable set_snmpEnable $|$@\\xT88(Dt (Ddno sysContactno sysNameno sysLocation%s:%d: failed assertion `%s' numregs <= NVRAM_NREGS && numregs > 0firstreg < NVRAM_NREGS && firstreg >= 0 ERROR -(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((4(t(((((((((P((((((hT`<<<hh<8`L0000000000000( \ d d d d \ l l l l l \ l &(&&&4&HH(llllppdppooXoonn0nmmXmHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHU @d0,($ dD{pdDpTd$DCpdHp̃dHpdH pDdDp,hXdDpT$LT$L{T$LT$LBT$LT$LT$T$LCT$LAT$LAT$LAT$LAT$LAT$LAT$LAT$LAT$LAT$LAT$LAT$LBT$LT$L8`؅(P x  Ȇ  @h0XdpdpĉdDApdDAp<dDApxdDApdDApdDAp,dDAphdDApdDApdDApdDpXdDApdDApЌdDAp dDApHdDApdDAp@ԾLԾL@ԾLԾLԾL$Ltd@pdp@dp|dpdpdp0d@pldpdDpdp d@p\dpdDpԑT̏D  4 p  dpdp̒d@pdpDXdDAp؉PȊ@ |   0 l \ԍ ̓dD@ApdDDApdDHAp,dDLAphdDPApdDTApdDXApdD\ApXdD`ApdDdApЖdDhAp dDlApHdDpApdDtApdDxApdD|Ap8dDAptdDApdDApdDAp(dDApddDApdDApܙdDApdDApTdDApȔ@|0l    \ ԗLĘ<x,hdD ApdD$ApdD(ApdD,ApXdD@pdDpМ80l@d D0Apld D@Apd DDApd D4Ap d D8Ap\d D<Apd DLApԞd DPApd DTApLd DXApd D\Apğd D`Apd DdAp<d DhApxd DlApd DpApd DtAp,d DxAphd D|Apd DApd DApd DApXd DApd DApТd DAp d DApHd DApd<p4p $ `  ؟ PȠ@|0l \ԣd`DpdDp dDp\ԾtLpԾtLpԾtLpAԾtLpAԾtLp8`4phdDpȦdpdDCp@dDAp|dDpdDpdDp0dDpldDpdDpdDp dp\dpdpԩ`0L`0`0L`0`0`0L`0L`0L`0LA`0L8`ت( P xxܦŢD   4 p dDpApdp̬ԾLԾLԾL0XԾLԾLAԾLAԾLAԾLح(Ppس(0H P Xȴ(08 @HгдشPX`hppublicprivateSNMP_trapL0123456789ABCDEFUUUUU@(#) Copyright (c) 1986 - 1995 Epilogue Technology Corporation H N S E main.ctimer.cddsrc dst %02X 000000000001> %x %x: %x %s DUMP %02x %d pps wwBLKFWDLRNLISDISHELLO tc exp from WeirdPAD%d SENT! UDP ICMP ECHO IP IPX! `pĎ̚ $4d`xP`hp @xset_ip  0nvram.crc0x 01.01$Id: dgrs.c,v 1.8 1996/04/18 03:11:14 rick Exp $skput:over: %p:%dskpush:under: %p:%d%s: can't vremap() the DMA regs%s: DMA done never occurred. DMA disabled.%s: rcv len=%ld%s: dev_alloc_skb failed for rcv buffer%s: cbp = %x%s: Chained DMA failure %s: Single DMA failed %s: xmit len=%ld %s: NO RFD's%s: NO RBD's%s: interrupt: irq %d%s: RUC start%s: cannot map in board memory %s: Illegal IRQ %d %s: Bus Master DMA is enabled. %s: download compare failed %s: board not operating%s: Digi RightSwitch at io=%lx mem=%lx irq=%d plx=%lx dma=%lx %c%2.2x%s: Illegal Ethernet AddressRightSwitch%s: Not interrupting on IRQ %d (%d) Setting the PCI Master Bit! Overriding PCI latency timer: was %d, now is 255. dgrs: SW=%s FW=Build %d %s GCC: (GNU) 2.7.2.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.data.rel.data.bss.note.rodata.comment4u!  +1  ;<@<FPNFXW  p-K8LHSlcD&ml"x %  @ PL  #lptx|- : GU,_ju~x !0<BtNZiq}2LU0apdgrs.cgcc2_compiled.versiondgrs_root_devproc_resetcheck_board_dmado_plx_dmadgrs_start_xmitdgrs_opendgrs_closedgrs_get_statsdgrs_set_multicast_listdgrs_ioctldgrs_intriv2is.332dgrs_downloaddgrs_found_deviceis2iv.339dgrs_scandebugdmahashexpirespantreeipaddripxnetkernel_versiondgrs_firmnumdgrs_firmverdgrs_firmdatedgrs_codedgrs_ncodedgrs_debugdgrs_dmadgrs_spantreedgrs_hashexpiredgrs_ipaddrdgrs_ipxnetvremapprintkloops_per_secdgrs_rcv_framedev_alloc_skbpaniceth_type_transnetif_rxjiffiesdev_kfree_skbmod_use_count_verify_areavfreedgrs_probe1request_irqrequest_regionkmallocether_setupregister_netdevpcibios_presentpcibios_find_devicepcibios_read_config_bytepcibios_read_config_dwordpcibios_write_config_dwordpcibios_read_config_wordpcibios_write_config_wordpcibios_write_config_byteEISA_businit_modulecleanup_moduleunregister_netdevrelease_regionfree_irqkfreeW',-.- 0!&-v{1--gl-%*-B2O3&-45Y6_6}667677. ,  -G ^ c -+ 0 -< %F %M $j $p % 8  -$ (3 )B *P +j 4 4 4 ---).->C-nu:444-;#-7d<9=>?F@{ABBB*BCBD-EA/4-LF|G1:&?H'MV)[d(jw}*+&#!-J 818>FKKVL\aMg