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block_group = %d, groups_count = %luget_group_descGroup descriptor not loaded - block_group = %d, group_desc = %lu, desc = %luCannot read block bitmap - block_group = %d, block_bitmap = %luread_block_bitmapload_block_bitmapblock_group != block_bitmap_numberext2_free_blocks: nonexistent deviceFreeing blocks not in datazone - block = %lu, count = %luext2_free_blocksFreeing blocks across group boundary - Block = %lu, count = %luFreeing blocks in system zones - Block = %lu, count = %lubit already cleared for block %luext2_new_block: nonexistent deviceFree blocks count corrupted for block group %dext2_new_blockAllocating block in system zone - block = %ubit already set for block %dblock >= blocks count - block_group = %d, block=%dcannot get block %dSuperblock in group %d is marked freeext2_check_blocks_bitmapDescriptor block #%d in group %d is marked freeBlock bitmap for group %d is marked freeInode bitmap for group %d is marked freeBlock #%d of the inode table in group %d is marked freeWrong free blocks count for group %d, stored = %d, counted = %luWrong free blocks count in super block, stored = %lu, counted = %lurec_len is smaller than minimalrec_len % 4 != 0rec_len is too small for name_lendirectory entry across blocksinode out of boundsbad entry in directory #%lu: %s - offset=%lu, inode=%lu, rec_len=%d, name_len=%ddirectory #%lu contains a hole at offset %luext2_readdirext2_file_write: inode = NULL mode = %07oext2_file_writeblock_group >= groups_count - block_group = %d, groups_count = %luget_group_descGroup descriptor not loaded - block_group = %d, group_desc = %lu, desc = %luCannot read inode bitmap - block_group = %lu, inode_bitmap = %luread_inode_bitmapload_inode_bitmapblock_group != inode_bitmap_numberext2_free_inode: inode has no device ext2_free_inode: inode has count=%d ext2_free_inode: inode has nlink=%d ext2_free_inode: inode on nonexistent device reserved inode or nonexistent inodefree_inodebit already cleared for inode %luext2_free_inodebit already set for inode %dext2_new_inodeFree inodes count corrupted in group %dreserved inode or inode > inodes count - block_group = %d,inode=%dWrong free inodes count in group %d, stored = %d, counted = %luext2_check_inodes_bitmapWrong free inodes count in super block, stored = %lu, counted = %lucannot get block %luext2_alloc_blockblock < 0ext2_bmapblock > bigext2_getblkbad inode number: %luext2_read_inodegroup >= groups countDescriptor not loadedunable to read i-node block - inode=%lu, block=%luNew inode has non-zero prealloc count!ext2_write_inodeIO error syncing ext2 inode [%s:%08lx] directory #%lu contains a hole at offset %luext2_find_entryext2_add_entryext2_delete_entry...bad directory (dir #%lu) - no data blockempty_dirbad directory (dir #%lu) - no `.' or `..'empty directory has nlink!=2 (%d)ext2_rmdirDeleting nonexistent file (%lu), %dext2_unlinkEXT2-fs panic (device %s): %s: %s <2>EXT2-fs error (device %s): %s: %s Remounting filesystem read-only <4>EXT2-fs warning (device %s): %s: %s ,bsddfchecknonenormalstrictEXT2-fs: Invalid check option: %s debugerrorsEXT2-fs: the errors option requires an argumentcontinueremount-ropanicEXT2-fs: Invalid errors option: %s grpidbsdgroupsminixdfnochecknogrpidsysvgroupsresgidEXT2-fs: the resgid option requires an argumentEXT2-fs: Invalid resgid option: %s resuidEXT2-fs: the resuid option requires an argumentEXT2-fs: Invalid resuid option: %s sbEXT2-fs: the sb option requires an argumentEXT2-fs: Invalid sb option: %s grpquotanoquotaquotausrquotaEXT2-fs: Unrecognized mount option %s EXT2-fs warning: revision level too high, forcing read/only mode EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended EXT2-fs warning: mounting fs with errors, running e2fsck is recommended EXT2-fs warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended EXT2-fs warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended 95/08/090.5b[EXT II FS %s, %s, bs=%lu, fs=%lu, gc=%lu, bpg=%lu, ipg=%lu, mo=%04lx] Block bitmap for group %d not in group (block %lu)!ext2_check_descriptorsInode bitmap for group %d not in group (block %lu)!Inode table for group %d not in group (block %lu)!EXT2-fs: unable to read superblock VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev %s. EXT2-fs: %s: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features. EXT2-fs: %s: couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features. EXT2-fs: Couldn't read superblock on 2nd try. EXT2-fs: Magic mismatch, very weird ! EXT2-fs: unsupported inode size: %d VFS: Unsupported blocksize on dev %s. EXT2-fs: fragsize %lu != blocksize %lu (not supported yet) EXT2-fs: #blocks per group too big: %lu EXT2-fs: #fragments per group too big: %lu EXT2-fs: #inodes per group too big: %lu EXT2-fs: not enough memory EXT2-fs: unable to read group descriptors EXT2-fs: group descriptors corrupted ! EXT2-fs: get root inode failed ext2X@(2.0.29hsr01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01GCC: (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU)}}! 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