Begin3 Title: LILO Version: 21.4.3 Entered-date: 06May00 Description: Generic boot loader for Linux. Distribution includes full source, documentation and support files, but no pre-compiled binaries. Keywords: Linux, boot loader Author: Werner Almesberger John Coffman (lba32 extensions) Maintained-by: Werner Almesberger John Coffman (lba32 extensions) Primary-site: /pub/linux/lilo 200kB lilo-21.4.3.tar.gz Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/system/boot/lilo /pub/linux/lilo (alias for primary site) Platforms: Linux 0.99pl12 or newer, gcc and as86 needed to compile. NetAssembler (nasm) 0.98 required to make disk utility. LaTeX and (optionally) Perl and Transfig needed to print the documentation. Copying-policy: BSD-like End