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OSLoadPartition : %s OSLoadFilename : %s OSLoadOptions : %s Invalid load parition Invalid load filename --- Press to restart ---ARC PROM I/O ManagerMalloc of %d for %s and %s failed ARC opening %s Open of %s failed Seek to 0x%x failed ARC reading %u bytes at offset %u Read of 0x%x bytes at 0x%x failed EXT2FS opening %s in partition %s ext2fs - %s Can't find file %s in partition %s Can't open file %s in partition %s EXT2FS reading %u bytes at offset %u Cannot seek to 0x% Cannot read 0x% bytes at 0x%x m@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@S@5@@@@b@G@+@@@@@@}@@@@@@@@@`@ @@@`@ @@@`@ @@@@`@@@@@@`@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`@.@@@߹@@@`@B@0@Ext2 file too bigUser cancel requestedUnimplemented ext2 library functionExt2 directory already existsExt2 directory block not foundFile open read-onlyFile not found by ext2_lookupToo many references in tableExt2 inode is not a directoryCould not allocate inode in ext2 filesystemCould not allocate block in ext2 filesystemInvalid argument passed to ext2 libraryMemory allocation failedIO Channel failed to seek on read or writeFilesystem has unsupported read-only feature(s)Filesystem has unsupported feature(s)The inode is from a bad block in the inode tableThe callback function will not handle this caseToo many symbolic links encountered.Illegal generic bit number passed to ext2fs_test_generic_bitmapIllegal generic bit number passed to ext2fs_unmark_generic_bitmapIllegal generic bit number passed to ext2fs_mark_generic_bitmapThe ext2 superblock is corruptA block group is missing an inode tableIllegal or malformed device nameInode bitmaps are not the sameBlock bitmaps are not the sameIllegal triply indirect block foundIllegal doubly indirect block foundIllegal indirect block foundAttempt to fudge end of inode bitmap past the real endAttempt to fudge end of block bitmap past the real endIllegal inode number passed to ext2fs_test_inode_bitmapIllegal inode number passed to ext2fs_unmark_inode_bitmapIllegal inode number passed to ext2fs_mark_inode_bitmapIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_test_block_bitmapIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_unmark_block_bitmapIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_mark_block_bitmapNot enough space to build proposed filesystemInternal error in ext2fs_expand_dirIllegal block numberIllegal inode numberBlock bitmap not loadedInode bitmap not loadedNo free space in the directoryAttempt to write block from filesystem resulted in short writeAttempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short readEXT2 directory corruptedFilesystem has unexpected block sizeCan't read next inodeCan't read an inode tableCan't write an inode tableCan't read an block bitmapCan't write an block bitmapCan't read an inode bitmapCan't write an inode bitmapCorrupt group descriptor: bad block for inode tableCorrupt group descriptor: bad block for inode bitmapCorrupt group descriptor: bad block for block bitmapCan't write group descriptorsCan't read group descriptorsAttempt to write to filesystem opened read-onlyFilesystem revision too highBad magic number in super-blockWrong magic number --- RESERVED_9Wrong magic number --- RESERVED_8Wrong magic number --- RESERVED_7Wrong magic number for ext2 file structureWrong magic number for Powerquest io_channel structureWrong magic number for icount structureWrong magic number for directory block list structureWrong magic number for test io_channel structureWrong magic number for generic_bitmap structureWrong magic number for inode_bitmap structureWrong magic number for block_bitmap structureWrong magic number for io_manager structureWrong magic number for unix io_channel structureWrong magic number for io_channel structureWrong magic number for inode_scan structureWrong magic number for badblocks_iterate structureWrong magic number for badblocks_list structureWrong magic number for ext2_filsys structureEXT2FS Library version 1.14@+S#%u for %s#%ublock bitmap for %sinode bitmap for %s %FATAL ERROR: --- Press to enter ARC interactive mode ---GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 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