PACKAGE NAME: taglib-extras-1.0.1-loong64-4.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware64/l PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 32 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 140 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: taglib-extras: taglib-extras (taglib support for other formats) taglib-extras: taglib-extras: Taglib file type plugins which were split off from Amarok taglib-extras: to allow others to use and help maintain them. taglib-extras: Taglib-extras delivers support for reading and editing taglib-extras: meta-data of audio formats not supported by taglib, including: taglib-extras: asf, mp4v2, rmff, wav. taglib-extras: taglib-extras: taglib-extras: The taglib-extras are part of kdesupport: taglib-extras: