PACKAGE NAME: xorg-server-21.1.8-loong64-1.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware64/x PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 1376 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 5090 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: xorg-server: xorg-server (The Xorg server, the core of the X Window System) xorg-server: xorg-server: Xorg is a full featured X server that was originally designed for UNIX xorg-server: and UNIX-like operating systems running on Intel x86 hardware. It now xorg-server: runs on a wider range of hardware and OS platforms. This work was xorg-server: derived by the X.Org Foundation from the XFree86 Project's XFree86 xorg-server: 4.4rc2 release. The XFree86 release was originally derived from X386 xorg-server: 1.2 by Thomas Roell which was contributed to X11R5 by Snitily Graphics xorg-server: Consulting Service. xorg-server: xorg-server: Homepage: